donderdag 7 januari 2021

De ascensie serie - Video 3


Good morning everyone. Tina Spalding trance channel here again. Today for our ascension series. This is video 3. Let’s see what Jesus has to say to us today.

You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

We are harping on your conditioned mind a little bit because it is very, very important for you to understand how you make decisions. Most of you believe that you make decisions freely, that you are free to choose whatever you want, whether it be the brand of coffee that you drink, or the clothes you wear, or the way you have your hair cut, or the neighborhood in which you live, but you are, layer upon layer, programmed in this society to value certain things which, in and of itself, seems harmless we will say. But the truth of the matter is, it is these programs that over the coming years are going to cause you pain and suffering, because you are unaware of the programs that you have active in you and you are unaware mostly of the value system that you are abiding by.

So, if you get a great sense of pride, let us say, in in the house you are living in, or the neighborhood you are living in, that will seem harmless enough. You get to choose to live there, you get to reap the rewards of the investment you have made. But what happens if you have to sell that house? What happens if you are no longer able to live there for some reason or other?
Your self-esteem will plummet. You will get compressed and you will not be functioning at the capacity of which you are capable, all because you believed that you were a better person because you lived in a certain house, in a certain neighborhood.

Now what's happened to many beings who are A Course in Miracles-students is over the years, they have let go of these kinds of beliefs, they have readjusted their value system, they have come to see what is truly valuable and they have let go of that which is not valuable or they are able to let go of that which is not valuable to them, but this is based on a deep and continuous assessment of what is working and what is not working in their lives.

What is going to be happening, over the coming years on your planet as you go through the shifts and changes, is that many of the unconscious beliefs and ideas that you have about your value, about what is a life worth living, where you should put your money or investments, what you should do for a living, many of these things are going to be shifting and changing seemingly without your approval, seemingly without you initiating the process.
It is a very, very different process if you initiate it yourself, but when that initiation seems to be coming from outside of you then it can cause great difficulty, it can cause fear, anxiety, and a deep sense of loss.

This is one of the reasons why we are encouraging you all to do A Course in Miracles now because it is much better to preemptively deal with these things, rather than retroactively or in a surprised an unpredictable way.

Our dear one, for example, has gone through massive shifts and changes as she has, not only prepared herself for channeling, unknowingly, she did not know she was preparing herself for channeling, but in the years before that event, she was given the opportunity to learn and experience many different things. She did not understand that they were a preparation for the life that she would begin to live as of June 21st 2012 when the channeling began. But in those years, prior to that experience, she had to go through some very, very challenging things, experiences, jobs, training programs, to be prepared enough to do this work. As we said, she did not know that she was preparing for this. Just as many of you do not know what you are preparing for. You have no idea what is coming down the pipe.

So, we want you to understand that there are massive changes coming down the pipe and that you would be well suited to prepare for them. They are going to come whether or not you want them to come. They are going to come whether or not you like them. They are going to come.

So, what we want to encourage you to do is to assess those aspects of your societal and cultural programming that caused you distress, we will say. Are finances a continuing problem for you? Is finding the right house a continuing problem for you? Are relationships very difficult for you to manage? It does not matter which area of your life needs help. It does not matter which area of your life is clearly out of alignment with your higher desires for your own experience. It does not matter which area of your life it is. A Course in Miracles will help you heal your mind. And all of these problems are coming from your mind.

So, instead of just focusing on money or earning money, instead of just focusing on buying a house or fixing up the house you've got, work on your mind! Your mind is where everything begins! The thoughts, the ideas, the beliefs. This is the place where everything begins. Your emotions, your reactions, your feelings, all arise from the thoughts that these beliefs generate.

When you change the way you respond to your thoughts, you begin to master your mind. But this is not something that you can teach yourself perse, it is something that needs to be taught to you because you have never had these kinds of explanations given to you in this society.
Yes, there are beginnings rumblings of it; you create your own reality, positive people attract positive experiences, but there are deeper and deeper and deeper levels to your mind which you cannot access without the assistance of loving guides and teachers and of course that is what we are providing you with these ongoing videos and the many, many videos on this channel.

So, we will continue to go into the conditioned mind in subsequent lessons because we want you to really poke around inside your own consciousness. Beginning to question, beginning to ask: ‘why do I value this so much?’, ‘Why is this so important to me?’, ‘Why am I afraid to lose this?’ These are going to be the areas that are most challenging for you as we go through these societal shifts and changes.

Now we want you to understand that your society is going to benefit from these shifts and changes overtime. It does not look like that right now, because you just seem to be losing things that you valued, that you wanted, that you loved, but we want you to understand that you have really undervalued yourselves. You have really underestimated yourselves. You underestimated your abilities and you have underestimated the potential that you, as a society, has to live a wonderful, wonderful experience.
You have been settling for the dregs. You have been working too hard for too little, because you are not using the correct aspects of your mind. You are not using and understanding how the subconscious, the unconscious and the conscious mind work together to allow you to function day-to-day.

So, we want to take you deep into your own experience, your own minds, but we want to encourage you to begin A Course in Miracles-lessons because it is through that practice that you are going to encounter the inner workings of your own individual mind, your own individual programming, your own individual design. You are unique. You have been conditioned uniquely. Yes, even though you have all watched Coca Cola ads and gone to government schools, there are commonalities there, but each of you had different families, different parents, with different values, different cultural backgrounds. But what A Course in Miracles is designed to do is to change your mind in a universal way that is transferable and translatable into all aspects of your life, regardless of your age, sex, cultural background, race, any of these things. It is a universal program designed to heal your separated mind and to take your frequency out of the battleground of duality into nonduality. It is there that peace resides. It is there that your peace resides.

And so, those of you that feel confused, those of you that are depressed or disillusioned with what is happening on your planet at this time, please take this under advisement: A Course in miracles was designed for you in this day and age.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again soon.

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