maandag 30 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 10 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And as your awareness is expand, as your self-analysis increases, you will begin, each day, to catch more and more subtle indicators of when you are off track. So the purpose of these 40 days and 40 nights is to bring you on board with this idea that you should question everything, question everything, question why you eat what you eat for breakfast. Who taught you that? Is it actually good for you? Is it nutritious? Does it serve a purpose? Question everything, because 99% of what you do is conditioned behavior and until you begin to address that conditioned behavior, conditioned by watching Gilligan's island when you were a child, conditioned by watching bank commercials, conditioned by so many things that you do not remember, but they are all neatly packaged away in your subconscious mind, in the basement of your mind and they are constantly guiding you, constantly pushing you hither and yawn.
When you begin to question things, you begin to open the trap door to the basement, and you begin to use your free will to expand your freedom. If you are in unconsciousness, you are being driven by these subterranean ideas all the time. When you come into consciousness, that means ‘why did I just say what I did? Why am I doing what I am doing? What is causing me to make these choices?’, you are now becoming the observer of your life, you are now becoming objective if you will to a certain degree.
Now true objectivity is a very, very difficult thing to master, but you are on in the beginning phases of that objectivity, which means, you are starting to question the narrative that you are being fed, you are beginning to question the narrative that you feed others about yourself.
So, for example, it's good to listen to the story that you introduce yourself to people with. Are you telling them that you have a chronic illness within the first 2 minutes of meeting them? Why would you do that other than to set up a behavior response from them that you want that will reinforce that sickness.
So, as you go to sleep tonight, we would like you to reflect back on the day that you have had, what experiences stand out and why do they stand out. We would like you to take your notebook to bed with you, your journal to bed with you tonight, and make note of those experiences that stood out for you. Is there a pattern to this? Is this the kind of thing that happens to you all the time? Is there a repetition here? Did you have a wonderful new experience today that was surprising to you? Make notes about it and reflect on it. You do not have to do to decipher everything. But we would like you to take 10 minutes to reflect on your day, making note of that which drew your attention for whatever reason. Just make a note of it: ‘oh, I'm recalling that particular moment in the day, I'm not sure why, this is what happened: I met Susie on the street and we had a nice conversation for a couple of minutes and then I left her but for some reason it is sticking to me. Let us have a look at that. Was there an emotion that was elicited in that conversation? Was their distress elicited in that conversation? Bring it up above the form and so, let us say, the person said something that hurt your feelings, let us say the person said something that got you excited. The feelings, the wound and the excitement are in you, they are not in the other person. They are not responsible for how you felt during that exchange.
So as you go to bed, reflect on any experiences you had today that brought things up in you that already resided there.
So this is what's happening here, your life is washing over you, it is a reflection of your consciousness and it's going to give you opportunities in the day to trigger the unconscious up into the conscious. That is, for example, what happens when somebody hurts your feelings, a wound that you had in the basement of your mind has come rushing to the surface for you to see.
So in this little diary entry tonight, we would like you to, not blame just reflect on what has happened to you today.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again in the morning.

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