zondag 22 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 2 - avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And as you traveled through your second day, thinking about your values, as you travel through your second day thinking about how your life is being affected by the transformations that are going on on your planet at this time, many of you will have felt a little sad, some of you will have felt angry, some of you will feel fear.
What we want you to understand is that your guidance system is impeccable. This is something that you have not often been told in your society. You have been told that you are sinners and that, if you do this and that, you will go to hell. Or you are completely abandoned by God. Or there is no God. There is a divine benevolent force in this universe, and it is always creative, always freedom seeking and always loving. It is what generates life. It does not generate death. 
When you feel fear, when you feel shame, when you feel guilt, any of these emotions, you are being shown by your guidance system that what you are thinking is off track. 
We will say that again. If you feel fear or shame or guilt, what you are thinking is off track. The benevolent force that permeates all things never sees you in those ways. It never blames, it never sees you as guilty.
Now there are those of you that will say: ‘well, that's impossible, you can't just let everybody off the hook, there has to be punishment.’ 
Well there is punishment. When you are off track, you feel bad. When you are on track, you feel good. There is some sort of punishment and reward system and it is in your feelings. 
When you are very, very unloving, when you are way off track, you feel terrible all the time and have to do terrible things to try and ease that pain. It is not a free ride.

But what we want you to understand, as you are going through this process of reconstruction and deconstruction on your planet, is that you are going to suffer if you think incorrectly if you wish everything was as it was. 
What we are going to encourage you to do is to train your mind and practice training your mind in the sense of not lamenting the past. Many of you have heard that this is a time of great transformation and evolution. And it is, if you know how to master your mind.
If you do not know how to master your mind and you are allowing others to manipulate your mind, then you will not have a very good time of it.
So ,this is a time of taking your power back, this is a time of reinforcing the knowledge that you are a divine being, that you are connected to God, that you have a loving spirit. 
We told you that the default setting on this earth plane is fear and separation, but you, as a chooser, you as a being that can employ freewill, can rise above that battle ground and choose love. And that is what the ascension process is about. It is about you not diving down into the depths of fear and sadness or anger, but it is about you rising up above the battleground, choosing peaceful thoughts, choosing loving thoughts, knowing that when your mind is peaceful and content, the channels for communication from higher beings are open. 
When you are down in the realms of fear and poverty and scarcity, driven by mainstream media horror stories, then you are disconnected from those higher realms. Why? Because you are too low to tune in to that frequency.

So many of you now, are realizing that these changes are looking like they're not going to last for two weeks or two months. You are seeing dire consequences beginning to manifest around the world.

If you go into fight or flight, which is the ego’s playground, you are going to go into defensive, attacking, fearful, cowering or violent modes of behavior because your behavior is driven by what you believe to be true about yourself, about others, about the world. If you believe with all your heart and soul, that there's not enough and that you are going to be in a terrible situation next year, let's say, you are going to begin to make very, very short-sighted, poor decisions, because you will be using the ego to make those decisions and the ego has a very short sighted, violent viewpoint of everything.
When, however, you are in a relaxed open peaceful state, you begin to tune in to the non-physical realms that are filled with information and knowledge, beauty, abundance, health, joy, creativity and wisdom from non-physical teachers. That is where we reside. We reside in the peaceful realms. 
And so, when you are looking at the violence on the street for example, we understand that many of you understand why people are doing that, but if you remain in that place, if you immerse yourself in those frequencies, you too will be taken into those realms. You must become very, very picky now, you must become very, very vigilant for love, for good, for kindness, for peace. And whatever you need to do to get to that place, whether it be having a regular nap, whether it be meeting like-minded people, whether it be finding a community on the internet that soothes and comforts you, whether it be reading a good book so that your mind is busy, but what you're going to find is that mental discipline is required, training of the mind is required because you have all had your minds trained. 
You have your minds trained into the current banking system, the current monetary system, you've had your minds trained into buying food at stores, you have had your minds trained into being very, very dependent and isolated. 
Most of you live in your homes, maybe you have a nuclear family, but you don't have an extended family. You don't have a repertoire of skills that are survival skills. Now we are not saying that you are all going back to the stone age, but what we want you to understand is that it is the dependence that you have on the system that makes you vulnerable. People have given up educating their own children and sending them off to schools. Well now, what's happening when you're sending your children off to school, is that they are being indoctrinated in to fear and they will learn it as a permanent aspect of their personality when it is taught to them young. Just as a small Catholic child may have been terrorized by the idea of hell and forever, through their life, they are afraid of making mistakes and live a very constrained life, because they were never retrained out of that childish belief in hell.

So this evening, as you listen to this, we do not want you to get sad, we do not want you to get depressed when we talk about things changing. What we want you to understand is that there is an evolution revolution happening and you can, if you use the experiences you're having as positives, as opportunities, then that combined with training the mind, is going to tune you into a frequency that is indeed above the battleground that you are witnessing on your planet right now. You are going to get ideas and inspirations, you're going to meet like-minded people, you're going to come up with innovative ideas for these new cultural paradigms that are being developed day by day. 
They are all beings, for example, who are starting homeschooling consultancies because there is a revolution of parents who do not want to send their children into these battlegrounds. There are amazing opportunities. But if you are in fight or flight, if you are in the battleground where you won't be able to find them, you will be down there with the victims of the perpetrators, you will be down there with those who believe in lack, you will be down there with those who believe they are powerless.

We want to raise you up into the realms of connection and love creativity and that is your natural home as an internal spiritual being, a child of God. That does not mean that you did not come down into separation, into the ego’s playground. You did, you have learned that the ego's playground is a tough place, you have learned that sickness is no fun, you have learned that poverty and lack is not something you want, and those experiences exist in the realm of separation. 
So millions upon millions of you are beginning to realize that what you came here on earth to do, play out your egos desires, is not much fun anymore and you are becoming teachable, you are becoming willing, you are becoming wise and you are seeking wisdom, you are looking around for places to learn and people from whom you can learn, people with whom you can cooperate, perhaps other community members that can get together with you, can assist each other, sharing the burdens of making your way through these transitional times. 
So, as you go into your sleep time tonight, we want you to say a prayer. And remember, every thought is a prayer, but this is a conscious prayer:

God, Jesus, all that is, Goddess, (whoever you want to preaching, it does not matter, we do not mind, we do not get offended the way you do on earth)
 …please show me what I need to do to thrive in this new circumstance. Bring me a dream. Bring me an idea. Bring me connection. Show me. I am listening.

That is a prayer that you can say every night and that is a prayer that you can say when you wake up in the morning.

God, Jesus, all that is, Goddess, whatever you want to pray to …
 show me today what I need to see, show me today where I am hindering myself. I am listening.

And as you go through your dreamtime we will have access to your mind because you have given us permission instead of being down in the realms of ‘how am I going to pay my rent, I'm scared, maybe I'm going to get fired, maybe I'm never going to work again. When you're down in those realms, we can't help you because we do not reside in those realms. Fear, unhealthy, scarcity, resides in those realms. You might have nightmares and you might have feverish dreams, so make sure that each night you are giving us permission to access your less defended mind, you astral mind, not your ego mind - it's sleeps at night - give us permission to assist you each and every night, each and every morning and make sure that first thing, or in the middle of the night when you wake up, that you write down the dreams. You will begin to get information. The subconscious in you has been suppressing many things because you have been too busy, and you have been driven by fear. And we remind you again that to truly access these kinds of communications, you want to clarify your mind through the lessons of A course in miracles. You will not be losing anything by doing the lessons of A course in miracles. You will be getting rid of the old baggage from the basement and the attic of your mind, things that you do not want to carry with you anymore, things that are not going to serve you in this new experience.

So, say those prayers, evening, and morning, and you will begin to receive information. You may receive information in the form of meeting somebody who has a good idea, you may receive that information in the form of an idea that you think: ‘wow, I would never thought of that’, something unusual, you may get it in a very clear symbolic dream. It may take a few days; it may take a few weeks to begin to open these channels that have been closed by fear. But if you are consistent and you are tuning in, all the time, to how you feel, knowing that if you feel bad, you've gone off track, knowing that if you feel good, you are in alignment. Then you will begin to get the messages.

Now those of you that have been doing this for a while, understand that there are deep patterns in the mind that keep bringing fear up, but it is through your free will, it is through your discipline of practice, that you can begin to push them aside and say:

‘thank you for sharing, I'm not listening to you, I am only listening to the kind, the loving, the wise, the inspirational. I am not listening to those negativities; they will not serve me. I have listened to you far too long. Today is a new day and I am open to new opportunities.’

So be open to new dream opportunities tonight, as you go to sleep, and offer up, if you are willing, if you are not yet willing, pray to become willing, if you are willing offer up your consciousness to high frequency loving teachers and guides so that we may give you information.
Some of you will not feel comfortable doing that, you have too many fears that have been indoctrinated into you and we understand that, but go into your sleep time with the prayer of love, forgiveness and hope for the future.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again tomorrow.

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