zondag 29 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 9 - Ochtendsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

Some of you are setting your sights too low, some of you are setting your sights too high.
What we want you to do today is we want you to look at where you actually are. This is something that humans, trained in your systems, are not very good at. This requires calm, it requires acceptance, it requires a non-resistant frame of mind, a forgiving frame of mind.
So if you look at yourself now, with as objective lens as you are able, what we would like you to do is to ask yourself: ‘where am I not living authentically?’ Some of you may have great love affairs for example, beings in your lives who you worship and adore but they may not know who you are because you have been lying to them, in a sense being inauthentic.

When you are working in a job that is paying the bills, but you have that little feeling of dread inside each morning when you get up to go to work, you'd rather not go but feel you have to go, you are lying to yourself.

So today we want you to be brutally honest with yourselves. We want you to go through your day, doing what it is that you normally do, try not to change what you're doing to try and make your resume better, but do what you ordinarily do, with the people that you ordinarily do it. But watch today. Watch where you are not honest. Watch where you are obligated. Watch where you are fearful. Watch where you are resistant. Your feelings, this interior language that is yours and yours alone, is telling you exactly what needs to be changed.

Many beings will come to this being (Tina) and ask for a session and ask for their purpose, ask for this and that, but the truth of the matter is you all have within you what you need to figure it out. You have this guidance system that is impeccable and constant. So today we want you to begin to use it.

Now some of you are more curious about the worldly events that are happening, but what we want you to know is that the worldly events that are happening, as we mentioned yesterday, they have already been manifested from the frequency of this planet and the beings that are collectively contributing to that frequency. It is a done deal. What you are seeing now is a done deal. What we are speaking about is influencing as many people as possible into a more positive mental and emotional space so that the future does not look like it does today.

The ascension process is one of expansion. It is one of moving more closely towards love and away from fear. It is a journey into greatness. But to join in that journey into greatness, you must find the great in you.
Now this is not a self-improvement project, this is not about the egos self-improvements where it wants you to be thinner, it wants you to be richer ….., this is about becoming your true authentic self, your sovereign self, your empowered self. That is a different thing. You are each going to be a unique manifestation of the divine, the godhead. That is what you come in with, you come in with this unique configuration. But many of you come in with baggage that you do not need to be carrying and you have picked up baggage along the way in your life that you do not need to be carrying. And this is where your inauthenticity's come from. Perhaps you had a parent who was very angry if you were honest, so you learned to be dishonest. Perhaps you went to a very strict religious school where any expression of sexuality or love was shamed and punished and so you have become frigid in that sense. These are the things that we are asking you to look at, we are asking you to look at the baggage that is not you. And you will know that it is baggage because it makes you feel bad. It is very, very simple. The guidance system that you have been given was not a complicated one. It is a very, very simple one. When you are off track you feel bad and today is the day that we want you to monitor your feelings. We do not want you to judge them. We do not want you to feel bad because you feel bad, that is pointless. We want you to go into your day open and curious and watching, becoming the observer of what it is that you tend to do.
So that is your assignment this morning. Pay attention to your guidance system today, not to judge yourself, not to judge others, but to truly make note of where you are strong, where you are wavering and where you are weak. Where you are weak, and wavering is what we are going to work on over these weeks. We want you to come out of this 40 days and 40 nights, clarified, feeling stronger, feeling more centered, feeling more able to invest in that which you want more of, because when you are inauthentic, when you are pussyfooting around subjects, not being honest, you are miss-creating a future that you do not want.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again later.

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