woensdag 25 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 5 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And as you walk through these days and evenings with us, we want you to take notes on the suggestions that we make, we want you to pay attention to what comes up for you each day.

When you step onto the spiritual path in a very focused way, one of the things that we want you to understand is that you do not have to go digging around for problems. Your problems will let themselves be known by your feelings. Your triggers will reveal themselves. And so, what we want you to do is to relax into each day and relax into each evening as you prepare yourself for bed. We want you to take a little inventory of what happened today. Did you get upset at anybody? Did you get upset at yourself? What was the feeling of the day? Was it relaxed and happy or was it anxious and stressful? Your guidance system is impeccable, as we always tell you. And so, if you have had a difficult day, if you have had a challenging day, it means that your beliefs are being triggered and they're coming to the surface for you to look at them. Have you been afraid of have you had financial fear, have you had a confrontation with a loved one? When these sorts of things happen, you are having your inner belief structure revealed to you and so, even if it wasn't a good day, you are getting information about where you are off track a little bit.

So when you have had a relaxing, a good day, what we want you to know is that you are on track, you are using your guidance system correctly, you are doing things that you are enjoying, you are doing things that you love, you are hanging out with people who are on the same vibration as you.

So, trusting in life, really is one of the things that we want you to think about this evening so that, in preparation for tomorrow, you have this idea as you go to bed. You can trust in life to bring you the next lesson that you need to pay attention to and it will come to you in the form of a small upset or a big upset, mostly they are small upsets. They are upsets about money, they are upsets about the way someone's talking to you, they are upsets about traffic or lineups, these kinds of things. You can trust in life even tough, in these strange times, life seems to be taking you down a detour that you weren't anticipating. On that detour you are going to have brought to the surface of your mind that which is unloving and that is always a good thing. If you are having a peaceful, happy, quiet day, enjoy that day. Do not feel guilty. Do not think that you are missing out on spiritual growth. No, you are having a quiet and beautiful day. That is what spiritual practice is designed to bring you. But this is an evolutionary time and many of you are going to have challenging days. Days where you are worried about the future perhaps. This is a lesson for you. Don't go to far into the future these days, stay in presence, listening to intuition, guidance, ideas, relaxing, enjoying yourself when you are evolving. What that means is that you are going to adapt to new circumstances. If you think about the theories behind evolution, well there are certain birds that have developed certain beaks for the certain flowers that are in that area around them and it helps them to seeds or suck the nectar or whatever they're doing with it. There is a specific adaptation that that creature has developed for their environment.

What has happened to humans is that you have been put into unnatural environments and you have been adapting to them. You have been adapting to them because they are very powerful environments. We are talking about things like technology or television or the education system. And when you adapt to man-made environments, you are in fact going to go off track a little bit because man-made environments are, by their nature, ego driven, even though the original idea could have been very creative, they are generally coercive nature. So, you have been used to being coerced, you are not used to relaxing, you are not used to going with the flow, you are not used to drifting happily downstream. If you look at nature, if you look at birds, for example, or rabbits or animals in the wild. They are not laboring. Horses in the wild are not strapped to carts and bitted up and tacked up and made to do things. They run free, seeking what they need as they need it and have their own hierarchies, their own social structure. But working and laboring and struggling is not something they do. Seagulls do not work and labor and struggle. They are opportunistic feeders. They find someone eating French fries at the beach or they grab a starfish and feel full for a few days.
Go to nature and watch what nature does. It ebbs and flows like the tides and the seasons, it is slow and steady, it is not abrupt and angry. There are unusual weather circumstances that are often generated by humans, believe it or not, things like hurricanes and tornadoes, but generally speaking nature is calm and slow and steady and that is what we want you to take to bed tonight.

Tomorrow - slow and steady wins the race - begin to relax a bit more, even though you are being vigilant for your thoughts and beliefs and negativities being activated. Between those moments, take advantage of the relaxation feeling, listen to your favorite music, make sure that you are preparing foods that are healthy and delicious and that you are excited about eating. No just slap together an old salami sandwich and say that will do. No, pick up some lovely fruits and vegetables from the store and make yourself a beautiful salad and relish that which you have. Gratitude, slow and steady evolution, vigilance for God, vigilance for loving ideas and thoughts, but overall a calm demeanor.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again in the morning. Sweet dreams.

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