woensdag 30 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 40 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus

De 40 dagen samen met Jezus zitten er op. Het is zeker de moeite waard om de opdrachten en oefeningen van deze dagen nog eens door te nemen mocht dit tot nu toe nog niet gelukt zijn. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat dit een stuk makkelijker kan gaan nu de gesproken tekst ook uitgetypt en dus te lezen is.  Mocht je overwegen om te starten met Een Cursus in Wonderen en je merkt dat je behoefte hebt om er met anderen over te praten, laat het me weten. Er zijn mogelijkheden genoeg om ook van op afstand met elkaar hierover te praten en elkaar te ondersteunen. Ik wens jou, lieve lezer, vanuit mijn hart het allerbeste toe. 

Tina houdt eerst zelf een betoog over de laatste uitzending van deze 40 dagen. De boodschap begint rond 3:50.

You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

When I was walking on the earth plane, so many years ago, I was teaching this material. There are no secrets hidden from you, dear ones. A Course in Miracles contains the truth of my teachings. There are no secrets being held in secret societies for you, it is all open and it is all true. You have the power of God within you. You are a light being. You are made of love, from love, for love.
And when you do not love, you feel bad. When you hate, you feel bad. And it is important for you to understand that, back then when I was walking the earth, I was teaching in a society that was being oppressed and controlled, and the beings within that society that were the powerless ones, or they believe they were the powerless ones, were the focus of my teaching.

I was teaching them that they were made in the image of God and that they could change their lives by following loving practices, that they could empower themselves by following loving practices, and that the overlords, who were bullying them and taxing them into poverty and hurting them, were not a true source of power, that their true source of power came from within them and their connection to the divine and that good always wins over the darkness. Light always prevails over darkness. When a light is turned on in a room, all darkness leaves.

And it is important that you will remember this as darkness begins to envelop your world. It has been here a long time and the mechanisms that we have been teaching you are no different than the mechanisms that I taught on that earthly ministry so many years ago.

You are facing the same overlords who are facing the same systems of over-taxation, limiting you, making you do things that you don't want to, being censored, all of these sorts of things were going on back then and that is why I taught in that part of the world.

I wanted to keep living in Tibet where it was peaceful and quiet and there was not such a battle going on, but I went where the work was needed.  And this work is needed here now today.

You need to understand that you are the creator of your reality, not your governments, not your celebrities, not your parents, not your culture, you are, and you have the ability to bring into being a most loving society. But you must first root out in your own mind that which is unloving, and that takes time, and it takes dedication. But the rewards are magnificent. And anybody who has done A Course in Miracles, the way it's supposed to be done, and keeps practicing it, sees their life becoming better and better, their relationships becoming better and better, their creative channels opening, their abilities transforming.

We ask you, one more time, to consider doing A Course in Miracles as your dedication to the new earth that you would like to see manifested on the earth plane. You are going through tumultuous times and it is going to be challenging for you to maintain your equilibrium and your equanimity without a good teacher at your side. I am that teacher. When you pick up A Course in Miracles, I am with you, I am walking with you into your mind, into your heart, and showing you where the problems are, showing you where and how to heal.

So, as we close this 40 days and 40 nights together, we want to send you love, we want to send you light, we want to send you the knowing that there are a multitude of high frequency nonphysical beings and teachers ready to help you when you ask.
But we cannot help you if you do not ask. If you believe that you have all the answers, that you know everything, we must stand on the sidelines until you call us.
Do not wait to call us until you are on your knees in desperation - this is when most people call us - but call us today and call us every day, asking us to show you and help you how you can clarify your mind so that you can become a teacher of God.

I am a teacher of God, this dear being is a teacher of God and you too can become a teacher of God.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again at another time.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 40 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus - Bewust worden, de weg naar een beter leven.


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus

And as we come to the very end of this gathering, we are filled with love for all of you. You have all done extremely well in following the prescriptions and ideas, thoughts, that we have been presenting to you and it's very important to remember that all of the advice that we have given you over these 40 days and nights is applicable to you all the time. It is always good for you to think about why you are doing what you are doing. It is always good to forgive those who have seemed to break the rules that you have for your society.
But in the bigger picture, we want you to understand that forgiveness is the path to peace. Forgiveness means that you understand that the world is a reflection of the unconscious in all of you. And when you are unconscious of something you are unable to see it. It is brought into being as physical experiences, people, places, things, and experiences, so that you can see it.
So when you are condemning the world, you are condemning the very thing that has been given as a gift to you so that you can see what is unconscious in all of you.

Let us say that again.

When you condemn the world, you are condemning the very gift that you have been given to demonstrate, in front of you, that which you are unconscious of.

So, as you are experiencing the world today, when you look out into the world and you look out into your family and your friends and all of these sorts of aspects of life that you experience, you are experiencing your consciousness and your collective co-created consciousness that you share with your brothers and sisters.
And when you see things that are shocking, when you see things that are being revealed, when you are seeing behaviors that make no sense, we will tell you, those things reside in all of your minds.
So right now there is a great masking of the world, there is a great masking of the world that is asking you to hide your face so that nobody can see your smile. There is a great masking of the world that is asking you to stop breathing freely, to breathe poisonous gases coming from your own body.

Why does your body excrete carbon dioxide and all the other things that are breathed out of your body, it is because they are not good to keep in your body, they need to leave your body, that is why you breathe good things in and you breathe the used up useless things out.

You are being asked to hide your most beautiful feature, your smile. You are being asked to inhale the poisons that your body is naturally designed to release so that you can be healthy, you are being asked to do things that are not logical and not healthy.

And we are asking you to understand that, if you comply with these things willingly without argument, then you are agreeing, using your free will to say: ‘Yes, I am happy to hide the most beautiful thing about me and I am happy to breathe in poisons’, and you will reap the rewards of that harvest. The seeds will grow, and they will grow into a bitter fruit and you will get to eat it.

So, we want you to understand the saying ‘you reap what you sow’ in always every single day and it is important for you to understand that the world is reflecting back to you the unconscious in all of you and in you.
Not just all of you but you, in particular, are having that reflected back to you that which is unconscious in you. If you are unaware of your need to please authority figures, you get to see it today and you need to see it, you need to understand that that belief resides in your mind. If you get angry at people for not doing what you want, you get to see the anger that resides in you and your belief that anger is a way of solving problems and you get to see that you believe that you are separate from others, you believe that if you attack others verbally or mentally you believe that you do not suffer for that.
Well, you do. You are all connected, you are all aspects of the one mind of God, and you are all equally valued in the mind of God, but you are allowed to play out your games here, you are allowed to let your egos chase whatever idols and beliefs that they want to hear. You are given free will, but always remember the frequency that you hold is set by the beliefs, thoughts that you act upon as if they are true and real and valuable.
So as we go towards the end of 2020, a year none of you will ever forget, it is important for you to remember how you set your frequency. It is not the smile you put on your face to disguise your dislike of someone, it is your dislike of that person that is going to set the tone for your experiences.
So this year is about revealing unconscious behavior, it is about revealing to you that which you are unaware of. Many of you have been shocked by the compliance that you have seen across the planet, people being told to stay inside, and they do it without argument. That business is failing, their families becoming bankrupt. That country’s economies tanking.
Many of you are shocked that people can be so easily coerced. This is something that was revealed to all of you this year, so be grateful for what you are having revealed to you this year, because it is the unconscious in each of you that brings towards you those unpleasant experiences of negativity, betrayal, sickness, mental disruption, mental illness. It lives within you. The enemy is not outside, the enemy is within and it is your unconscious following of beliefs and ideas that are unhealthy and unloving.

And as we have said many, many times A Course in Miracles is designed to train you so that you are the master of your mind and therefore the master of the ship and the setter of the direction and tone of your life.

If you do not retrain your mind, because it has been trained either many forces that we speak about often, if you do not retrain your mind, if you end this 40 days and say: ‘oh that was fun, I'm not doing A Course in Miracles, it seems like too much work to me’, let us tell you that it will be much more work living with your currently trained mind in charge because so much of what you have been taught through constant propaganda and repeated instruction is not loving, is not good and all you have to do is look at the state of your world right now to understand that these are the fruits of the system that is at play right now.

If you do not like what is happening, you do not like the fruits of this system, then you must change your mind, using your free will daily to practice A Course in Miracles-lessons, to reclaim the loving consciousness that is your natural inheritance.
So today is a day that we want you to decide: ‘Am I going to side with love and retrain my mind and release from within me that which is undermining me, or am I going to keep doing the same old thing, getting the same results?’

The choice is up to you. You have free will. We cannot do it for you. All we can do is tell you that life is much better when resentments and hatred and separation or let go of and forgiveness, love, enjoy, creativity and abundance are embraced.

We have given you our best this 40 days and 40 nights, so has this being. We have one session left to go, so we will save some little tidbits for that, but we thank you for your participation in this journey together and we will speak to you again later

dinsdag 29 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 39 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

It seems a great accomplishment for this being to do 40 days and 40 nights. 80 videos in 40 days is a big accomplishment and we want to thank her for doing that, as you should do, but we want you to use it as a demonstration of what is possible. One person deciding for 40 days and 40 nights to do something twice a day produces a body of work that is exceptional, even if it is limited in some ways. You too can choose to dedicate yourself to a project, such as our dear one has demonstrated to you. She is shown you that she is an ordinary person, and she is capable of doing 80 videos in 40 days.

Now you too are capable of doing something that is suitable for you. Perhaps you are going to spend 40 days getting yourself fitter, perhaps you are going to spend 40 days shifting your diet, perhaps you are going to spend 40 days writing poetries, perhaps you are going to spend 40 days training your dog, whatever it is that is lacking in your life right now, think about dedicating 40 days and 40 nights with my help, using these lessons as a guide to transform your life.
It does not have to be only getting rid of a negative habit, as we mentioned the other day, it can be an should be also used to promote a positive creative moving forward behavior.
Imagine if you wrote two poems every day for 40 days, what wonderful things you would discover. Imagine if you painted a small painting each day for 40 days, you would have a beautiful collection. Imagine if you wrote a small song or planted bulbs in your garden, it does not matter.
If you do something for 40 days and 40 nights, it will transform you.

So, as you go to sleep tonight, think about a positive task that you could set yourself for 40 days and 40 nights. Think about it for a week or so and then choose a date to start and use these 40 days and 40 nights lessons to help you focus and to help you come to understand why you value this thing that you have set yourself or why you are struggling with this thing that you have set yourself.

We challenge all of you to do your own version of 40 days and 40 nights with Jesus.

I am that one that you know Jesus and I will speak to you again tomorrow.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 39 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

There is some sadness coming up with some of you that these 40 days and 40 nights are done, and we understand that. This is what attachment is, this is what it feels like it. It feels like you do not want things to change.

Well one of the great lessons that is coming up for all of you right now is that change is happening, change is inevitable, and it is one of the greatest causes of suffering in humanity, this idea that things should not change.
You must, as you go through these coming months and years, come to understand that evolution is an intense process. Evolution is what you were going through.
Most of you think of evolution as a physical process: a creature growing toes or wings or flippers or being able to stand up.
But evolution is always mental and emotional and spiritual first. The physical, you must remember, arises from the non-physical, things arise from thoughts and beliefs and ideas that are repetitively held.

So, as you are going through this great transformation of your society it is doubly important for you to hold firm to beliefs and thoughts and ideas that are what you want, because that is exactly how you become a conscious co-creator with your fellow brothers and sisters.
You agree that you want something good and you stand firm, until you get it. And if you do not get it straight away, you do not become disillusioned. Remember what disillusionment is. Disillusionment means you believe in illusions.

Well, we do tell you, your whole life is an illusion, but we will not go into that right now, it becomes too difficult to have a conversation.

But we want you to understand that you have the right and the ability to bring into your experience that which is good, that which is loving and that which is kind. But to do that you must hold the frequency of good and loving and kind, not only in your words and actions - which some of you are very good at - but also in your thoughts and feelings about everything.
That means, you must become loving to yourself, you must feel good about yourself, not just other people.
There is this illusion in your society that, if you are kind to others, that is all that counts and yet you are being hateful to yourself.
Well we will tell you that the frequency that is manifested in front of you in the form of people, places, things, and experiences is coming from within you. It is not coming from a superficial smiling face or behaviors that are not honest and are incongruent with your interior world. They are coming from your secret interior world of thoughts and fears and anxieties and judgments.
Imagine, if everybody could hear your thoughts, imagine if everybody could know what you were thinking about them, would they still like you, would they still want to hang around with you?
This is the kind of authenticity that we are pushing you towards, where you could have your heart and mind opened up to people and they would still think you're beautiful, they would still think you kind, they would still think you loving.
And we understand that many of you do not have this going on inside of you. Our dear one struggles with these issues still even after all these years and all of this channeling. There are still aspects of herself that are unloving to herself, but she knows now when they are active, because she feels bad and she knows that it's something that she is doing to herself, from within herself.
Most of you are not aware of that, you feel bad and you blame somebody else, you feel bad and you blame the president, you feel bad and you blame the teacher, you feel bad and you blame your body. The body is outside of yourself, in that sense, it is not who you are.

So, it is important for you to understand that you are the creator, and you are the creator with the other creators on this planet.
So it is a very, very good time for you to form loving compassionate groups. That is one of the reasons that we inspire our dear one to create the ‘Channeling Jesus community’ so that like-minded beings could come together and share and talk about how they are managing their minds, how they are enjoying life, sharing positive stories, not getting into the dark and dangerous and difficult discussions that are happening on other social media platforms. It is, if you will, still and come backwater instead of being in a rushing river, you are in a still and calm backwater, where you can think and breathe and share openly and honestly your spirit practice.
So once again, we ask you to consider joining this community because it is designed for these days so that you have somewhere inspiring to go, so that you have somewhere encouraging to go, so that you have somewhere gentle and beautiful to go.
This is a time of great change and you are going to need to accept that change is coming. So change yourself where you know you need to change yourself, do it preemptively, don't wait for your job to not be there, to deal with your fears about insecurity or money, don't wait for the banks to close before you decide to do something with your investments, don't wait to plant a garden, be planning your garden for next season now, buying the seeds, prepping the soil, all of these sorts of things.,
Be proactive, don't procrastinate and enjoy the ride through the rapids that you are about to embark on.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again later.

maandag 28 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 38 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And as you wind down today, it is important to give yourself credit for everything that you have done so far in our 40 days and 40 nights together. These are challenging times, and we are challenging you further by asking you to look inside your hearts and minds, to figure out what makes you tick. But it is a long job to figure out what makes you tick. Most of you have thousands of beliefs and ideas and principles that you have been taught. You have all been through a tremendous training program, several trading programs in fact. Your cultural training program whatever country you're living in, your family training program, your religious training program, your educational training program, the values of the TV shows that you watch which may be different than your culture for example, your financial training program, so many. And within each of those programs there are a multiplicity of beliefs and ideas and principles that you have been taught overtime.
So, when you are studying A Course in Miracles or any spiritual practice do not get frustrated with yourself because you find yourself going back to old habits. We want you to understand that those old habits have been put into you, time and time and time again.
If you have habits that you would like to break, you can use the 40 days and 40 nights to put specifically focus on a habit that you have or a belief, a value system that you have, and that you see no longer works for you but is still dogging you, is still showing up time and time again.
You can begin the 40 days and nights with a prayer of focus and intention to shift and change one particular habit.

Now some of you will say: ‘why didn't you tell us that at the beginning?’ Well we wanted you to go through the 40 days and 40 nights openly, without having any kind of agenda. The 40 days and nights gives you a sort of general tune up of your frequency, a general tune up of awareness if you will.
But if you have a specific issue that you want to deal with, you can go through the 40 days and nights. Again, we say do it as a 40 day practice, not 20 day practice, then shove them all in there together, do it as a proper 40 day practice, with your intention of giving up that bad habit at each lesson and with each practice that you are doing.
So for example, when we have set you assignments, bring the habit up that you are particularly interested in breaking or relinquishing and focus the lesson around that habit. Let's say you have some eating disorders or eating issues, when we talk to you about what you value you can talk about the foods that you value or the events around which foods are eaten, Christmas for example or Thanksgiving, you can write down: ‘oh I really value family food time, I feel really bad if I can't have Thanksgiving with my family.’ That's a belief that you hold that is not an universal belief, other people in other cultures don't have that belief, and as soon as you bring that up you realize: ‘oh people in North America have that belief because they have been programmed to have that belief, people in Brazil may not have that belief, that means it's optional’. That means it Is optional for you. So that's what we want to bring into your mind this evening, this idea that you can use the 40 days and 40 nights as a therapy to help you focus and heal one particular part of your life.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again tomorrow.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 38 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The symptoms of ascension madness are going to become more and more apparent to you. Ascension madness is when the frequency that beings – body, mind and spirit - is receiving, is too much for the belief system that they hold. And they begin to shatter, they begin to become anxious, they begin to become confused and they do not have the inner resources within their belief system to carry them through the awakening process and they will begin to demonstrate behaviors, such as anxiety, fear and an even complete mental breakdown.
So ascension madness is something that's important for you to understand with compassion. And you may even feel it yourselves where you have deep seated beliefs that are being challenged and or destroyed.
When you have systems in place, such as you have had: banking systems, governance systems, healthcare systems, schooling systems, you are beginning to see the edges of these systems fraying, as we like to say, because it really does bring to mind what's happening, the core of the system is still functioning but you can see that the edges of it are becoming less defined and the rules are becoming less clear and you're not sure how to interact with those systems if at al.
So, for example, what's happening with your education system now that many children are staying home because their parents do not want to send them into schools where they are being masked or vaccinated, other parents are sending their children to school because perhaps they have financial stresses and they need to work during the day but they are not feeling good about it, they are feeling bad about it in a system that used to be just an ordinary thing: you sent your children to school every day.

Now the system is beginning to fray and people are beginning to pull in different directions. The same thing is happening with your financial system. The finance, the money that people are being given for doing no work, and yet there are increasing prices, the investments that you have made or losing money or even gaining money, your house price may be going down or it may be going up. These are, again, pressures and tensions that are pulling people in different directions.
And if you have spent your whole life, investing in your home for example, and you start to see the value of your home going down or you want to leave the home because of the circumstances of the area in which you find yourself, perhaps you're living in a particularly covid fearful place, you may want to leave your home and yet you are attached to your home, and it's been your dream and you envisioned living there forever and yet now you are feeling that perhaps moving would be a good choice and yet the systems are unpredictable. Are you going to get your money out of it? Where are you going to go? These are some of the deep, deep pressures that humanity is going to be under in the coming months and years.
So it's very, very important for all of you to understand what you value, what you truly think you can't live without - when you can live without, most things we're going down to basics here, you need air, food and water, clothes in Canada – our dear one lives in Canada, and a roof over your head.
However, human spirit wants so much more: experience and freedom and joy and self- expression, but when you are being oppressed and controlled, and these basic rights are being taken away from you in the name of good for all, in the name of the community, there is deep and profound confusion; and this can cause you anxiety and fear.

So this is one of the reasons why we are like a broken record al seen when it comes to studying A Course in Miracles, because A Course in Miracles trains you to understand your mind and how it works, it trains you to understand your ego and how you've been programmed, it trains you to see what you value even though another part of your mind may see that it is valueless.
So we encourage all of you to delve deeply into what makes you tick, understanding that your guidance system is the method through which you understand your beliefs. When one of your beliefs is threatened, you will feel fear or confusion and this means that you are off track.
So, let us say, you believe you have to own a home to be secure. Some people, a lot of people, have that belief, they really believe that to be true, when their home begins to become threatened in some way by falling real estate prices or people exiting the neighborhood, things becoming abandoned, these sorts of things, the person who truly believe he is dependent upon them owning a valuable home, they are going to feel very undermined, they're going to feel very scared, but the truth of the matter is you don’t need to own a home to feel secure, that's part of the propaganda machine in the western world that says you have to spend 30 years of your life buying a house so that you feel secure, it is not true, many people who have no homes feel very secure because they are connected to something nonphysical, something spiritual, the power within let us say.
So as these approaching weeks towards the end of the year come, we would really like you to focus on learning what you believe to be true about the world and why and what are the consequences of your believing that.
The consequences of you believing that - you are only secure when you own a valuable home - means that if you lose your home, you will feel terribly, weak and vulnerable and that is not necessary because there are many people who do not own valuable homes, who do not feel weak and vulnerable. It is not a universal truth, that means, it is made up. It is not a universal truth, it's made up. If different people have different opinions about something, that means that each one of those beings is making up their own story around that particular subject. ‘Fire is hot’ is not a matter of opinion, anyone who puts their hand in a fire is going to feel it and it is going to hurt and burn their skin. (we will not include yogis in this particular example, but ordinary people with ordinary minds).
That is a universal truth, fire is hot. But it's not a universal truth that security needs you to own a valuable home.
And these are the kinds of things that we want you to begin to look at, we want you to begin to think about where are you invested, what do you believe to be true, what are you afraid to lose? Write these things down. Today we are just bringing the idea to you, but this is something that we would like you to work on over a few days in the next week or so.
It is very, very important for you to see where you are easily threatened, because it is in your idols, those things that you worship and think you can't live without, those are the things that are going to be potentially used to control you.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again later.

zondag 27 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 37 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus - Nadenken over de mogelijkheid om samen de lessen van Een Cursus in Wonderen door te nemen.


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

As you tuck yourselves into bed tonight, we want you to look back on these lessons that you have done with us with gratitude. We want you to be grateful to yourself for having had the discipline to joining us each day. We have had a wonderful time leading you towards the end of this series of sessions and we want you to feel deep gratitude today for your life. For your life has brought you to this place where you are listening to wise counsel from a loving mentor.

This is what humanity is lacking: loving mentors who will teach and show up and keep repeating the most important lessons so that you can learn them over and over again.
We would like, each of you, to consider, this evening, becoming a mentor to somebody, whether it be a niece or nephew, an neighbor, a relative , who is struggling.
We would like you to consider offering your counsel to somebody that you love, somebody that you care about and somebody that you know will be open to having spiritual conversations. Perhaps you can start your Course in Miracles-lessons with somebody who also wants to start A Course in Miracles-lessons. If you are looking at the comments on the YouTube videos, for example, there may be somebody there who is looking to start lessons and you are looking to start the lessons. You may message them on those message boards and say: ‘well how about we introduce ourselves and do the lessons together?’ The online communities that are building are very, very important.
Yes you have to use your discernment. Yes you must trust that, if you meet somebody online and they don't feel right or there hitting on you in some way or it feels inappropriate, that you just block that person and don't continue on. You must use your intelligence and your own discernment in these circumstances perhaps that does not feel right for you and we understand that if it doesn't feel right. But there might be somebody in your life that you know is struggling, or that you have talked about certain things together. Ask them if they would be interested in doing A Course in Miracles-lessons with you in person, perhaps at a coffee shop, perhaps at one of your homes.
It is important for those of you that are wise and that have the good information to begin to disperse it amongst the communities that you have close to home. And we will tell you that that support, that mutual support that you will be giving each other, will be very, very valuable in the next few months.

So, as you go to sleep tonight, think about somebody that you might approach, somebody that you might talk to. Perhaps you will meet them once a week on a Sunday afternoon, perhaps once a week on a Wednesday morning over a cup of tea. Think about it. Is there somebody that you would like to share these teachings with? Is there somebody that you feel might be in need of your wise counsel and your mentorship.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again tomorrow.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 37 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The society in which you live is transforming. We have mentioned this before many times, and you are transforming as well. What is going on within you is going to translate out into the world. What has been going on within you has already translated out into the world. Your relationships may become more volatile over the next few months, work situations may be impacted by the lockdowns and the shenanigans that your governments are up to. But you are always powerful creative beings made in the image of God and you always have access to your power. Despite what you think, nobody can take your power away from you. All they can do is utilize the energy that you freely give to them.

So, it is very, very important that, over the next few months, you use your energy without error, without carelessness, without unconsciousness.

The systems that are failing and the systems that are being revealed, there are corrupt systems that are being revealed right now and will continue to be revealed over the next few months, may shock you. Some of you may feel sad, some of you may feel abandoned, some of you may be triggered into rage. What we want you to understand is that that is your ego. The ego is volatile, it is unpredictable, and it wants to attack back, it wants to judge, it wants to separate. We are asking you to take the high road, we are asking you all to practice A Course in Miracles principles, which is the practice of forgiveness. Understanding that forgiveness means you understand that the world is the way it is, because of past beliefs and ideas that are unloving and unbalanced.

When you look at anyone's behavior over the next few months, we would like you to do your best to be compassionate. If you see family members or friends acting out, or being angry, or increasing their drug or alcohol use or becoming unstable, we want you to remember that they are under tremendous pressure, because they have not done the work that you have, and they are still being upgraded and put in a pressure cooker.

So, it's very important for you to not be judgmental about any of the things that you begin to see transpiring on your planet. Everybody is doing the best they can and some of you are very, very fortunate you have found material like this, or something similar, that is assisting you in achieving your ascension.

What your ascension is, is the process of coming to realize that the world is not what it appears to be. It is indeed a stage, and you are all merely players on that stage. You have the ability to write the script for your play, for your particular experience, and it's important that you remember that over the next few months, because you are going to see things and hear things and come to discover things that are going to be quite upsetting and, we will say, disillusioning. But you must remember that disillusionment comes from believing in illusions and them failing. And illusions always fail. And in this place of separation your idols are destined to fall.

So today we would like you to remember that, that whoever and whatever you worship above that which is God, whether it be money, sex, bodies, your partner, whatever it, is those idols are going to fall. And if you can come to a place where you are expectant of that rather than surprised at that, you will not feel disillusioned. You say: ‘ah, there it is, Jesus told me this would happen, he told me that this kind of thing was going to transpire.’

So, prepare your minds and your memories for unexpected disappointments. If they are expected, you would not be so disappointed. Political figures and leaders and organizations that you have become so used to, are going to begin to seem to fray around the edges and eventually they will scatter in the wind like dust and you will seem to be rudderless, but you are not rudderless, you have all got your own guidance system, you have all got communities and friends and families that you love and care for, and you all have ingenious minds and intelligence and intellect and education. Use those things wisely and think before you act. Feel your way through situations, trust in your guidance, trust that you know when something does not feel right. If your governments ask you to do something that does not feel right with you, do your very best not to do it.

Now we understand that, incrementally overtime, governments have become more and more intrusive and they have more and more powers with which to intimidate you, but we want you to understand that over the next few years you are going to see a loss of confidence in your governments and you are going to see an ideological shift that is profound. It will not go to communism, it will not go to radical socialism, it will go into a more independent, free thinking way of governing, self-governing, in that sense. But there is going to be a rocky road before that happens. Many of you will be sad losing your idols, many of you will feel fear.

We want you to understand that A Course in Miracles training is designed to assist you through this time, it is designed to help you manage your minds and it is designed to bring love to those dark shadowy places that you have been scared to go.

So once again, as we come close to the end of these 40 days and nights together, we would like those of you that have not yet done A Course in Miracles, to purchase the book and began on lesson 1 today. It is easy, it is free online, although we do say by the book, it is going to be necessary as electrical systems and Wi-Fi systems and these kinds of things become less reliable you will want to have the book in your hand so that you can go and sit under an apple tree in the spring and read it. Do not be beholden to these electrical systems as your salvation, it is one of the idols that will fall.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again later.

zaterdag 26 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 36 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

As we are drawing near to the end of our 40 days and 40 nights with each other, we want to remind you that this has been a most successful session, this a most successful series of sessions. You are, when you are doing 40 days and 40 nights with me, you are having adjustments every single day.

But what we would like you to understand, as students, is that when you rush things, it doesn't work as well. So, some of you have become used to binge watching television shows, you are used to watch them once a week and now you will watch the entire series during a weekend. This does not work that way with 40 days and 40 nights with me.

What we would like you to understand is that you should do it over 40 days and 40 nights. If you are not able to start on day one, when we started, then you do your 40 days and 40 nights consecutively, not rushing, not pushing. We know that some of you are doing far more during a day then you should and not doing it properly, not contemplating what we're asking you to contemplate, not writing down what we're asking you to write down, not thinking about what we're asking you to think about, this is the egos way.

When you are doing a series of sessions - such as we are doing here - when you do it in that way, you are really wasting your time. You will not get too much out of it.

When we design a series of sessions - such as this there - is a reason for. Each day there is a reason for each exercise, there is a reason for the morning and the evening contemplations. When you do two or three days in one day, you are not doing them, you are merely using them as entertainment. And so, for those of you that have been doing that, we would ask you to shift and change your protocols into doing them as described, one in the morning, one in the evening, and then waiting till the next day to do the next one.

This is something that is very common when people are doing A Course in Miracles as well. They will either do more or fewer than the designated one per day and the practices that are recommended throughout that day. These are all direct designed with a purpose and they are all designed to work perfectly within the structure that is given.

So, we'd like you all to amend your activities, accordingly, starting from now.

So, if you have been doing four or five days a day and you have caught up with us, we'd like you to go back to the day where you started doing that and if that was day one then go back to day one. What we want you to understand is that potentially, this 40 days and 40 nights, can break bad habits, can heal wounds, can shift your consciousness enough for you to see something quite significantly different happening if you do it as described.

So, we'd like you to put your humble hat on, admit your errors - they are not sins, they are nothing to feel terrible about, it is merely your enthusiasm at times that gets you doing more than one day at a time - but it does not benefit you with the mechanisms that are implemented during these sessions.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again tomorrow.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 36 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The consequences of the last several decades are devastating for many. The last several decades being the propaganda and emotional manipulation that you have been lured into participating in. This is the way we want you to look at this. We do not want you to vilify those who have done wrong, we do not want you to make them guilty. This strengthens the ego's grip on your mind, it strengthens the ego's grip on the world.

It is a massive shift in your collective consciousness that is required and that is happening. When you make others guilty you increase separation, you say, by making them guilty, that what they did should not have happened, what they did was against God's will. It was not. It was not against God's will because it happened. And this you must understand that if you see evil in the world and bad in the world and believe it to be true and believe in God, then you believe in a powerless God, you believe that there is a force equal and opposite to that of God, which means that God is not all powerful, or loving, all-encompassing love, and that isn't true.

The erroneous idea, that you are working under, is that God cares about what happens on this planet In a minute detail God is not aware of what's going on in the ego’s world. It is as if you are asleep in bed, God is watching you dream, God does not believe your dreams, you believe your dreams. You are safe tucked up in the arms of the divine in truth.

So, when you pray to God and you do not get your prayers answered and when your family members die and your pets pass away and someone you love gets sick, do not blame God. God is not involved in this ego's game. And this is one of the most challenging teachings of A Course in Miracles because you have been raised to believe that God is responsible for the good things and the devil is responsible for the bad things. The bad things come about as the demonstration of the lower realms of human thought being manifested into this plane.

They are all beings who are, we will say inherently, lacking love and they like it here. They play here, they enjoy it, they play with you, they enjoy manipulating you, but they are only toying with the lack of love in you.

So, this is something that is a big deal for most of you because you have been raised in a Judeo-Christian world that tells you that God is at play here, when in actual fact it is all of your egos at play here.

For you to find peace, everlasting love, joy, health, and abundance, you must constantly choose love. You must constantly choose not to judge others; you must constantly work towards erasing the separation that is the default setting here. And that is by being loving and by voluntarily removing all of the unloving thoughts, words and deeds from your own life, from your own heart, from your own mind. That is how this world will change.

So do not hate those who are manipulating you but refuse to allow them to manipulate you and choose love.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again later

vrijdag 25 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 35 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus - Met een duidelijke boodschap hoe om te gaan met het minder fraaie.


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The pressures that you are under in this world today are challenging indeed, and as you go to sleep this evening, we want you to remember that throughout history there have been challenges. You do not have to look very far to see world wars or holocausts or mass outbreaks of disease or poverty or overriding of human free will.

What we want you to understand is that the cycle of corruption and fear and evil if you will - evil is a lack of love - will continue on until humans choose love. That is the only way to stop what happens in this place of separation is to choose not separation but to choose communion, which is connection which is love.

And so, as you hear the news that comes across your computers and your televisions and your radios, remember: ‘ah, this is what lack of love looks like.’

How do you solve lack of love? You add love to the mix.
So add loved to the mix tonight in your mind, think of a situation that is happening that you care about, whether it be cruelty to animals or lost children or missing women or financial deprivation for people, it could be anything that is in front and center in your mind tonight, whatever is bothering you tonight out in this 3D world, out in this matrix of separation, see yourself at adding love to that situation: you see hungry people imagine yourself feeding them, if you see homeless people imagine yourself welcoming them into a lovely home, if you see somebody being beaten tend their wounds in your imagination.

In your imagination use your love to soothe that which is lacking in the world as you perceive it. Each one of you will have a different subject that comes to mind that has bothered you recently or all that is bothering you now. Use your imagination positively instead of envisioning the situation getting worse. Envision it getting better, envision you being able to help, envision you being able to make a change by adding love to the mix. This is something that we want you to learn to do on a regular basis. It would be a good thing for you to do every night before you go to sleep.

To envision you helping heal the world seems like an impossible task, but you have all miss-created these situations together and you can change them, you can change them if you use the laws of creation correctly.

So, as you go to sleep tonight you see the hungry being fed, the beat and being soothed, the lost being found.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again tomorrow.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 35 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The circumstances of your life or your creation and it is important, as we have said before, that you acknowledge that. The circumstances of your life or your creation. You have chosen where you were to be born, you have chosen the family that you were to be born into, you have chosen the body that was best suited for your current incarnation. And along the way, based on what you believe to be true, you have made thousands and thousands and thousands of decisions that have brought you to this place, to this body that you have right now, to this house that you are living in, the friends you have, the children you have, partners and ex partners, and all of these things.

It is so important that you understand that this reflects your mind. That your life reflects your mind. Not anybody else's mind.

In this world projection - this is a grand projection - you are all putting outside of yourselves that which you do not understand; that which frightens you, that which is ‘your enemy’. But the truth of the matter is, is that it all resides within you. And so, your enemies are your enemies because you want them to be your enemies. The insecurity that you feel is coming from within you, even though it feels as if the world is making you insecure.

The grand projection is that everything outside of yourself is there to show you something that is unconscious in you. It is not totally unconscious and some of you - you might have repeated bad relationships and you realize that you are the common denominator in all of them - but most people don't do that until they are well into a spiritual practice.

But today, for those of you that are new to a spiritual practice or that have just come across these teachings, we want to remind you that your life reflects your mind, your consciousness, your values, your beliefs. And the only way you are going to be able to shift and change the world that you experience, is to shift and change your mind and your beliefs.

So, it is important today that you, in your quiet moments, as you go through the day, observe your life and what you have to deal with, and who you have to deal with, and how you have to earn your money, and all of these things. And ask yourself: ‘how did I get here?’, rather than saying: ‘I hate my job, or I wish I was not married, or I wish I wasn’t single, whichever the case may be. Ask yourself: ‘What decisions have I been making over the last 10 years that have brought me to this place?’

If you find yourself blaming others, stop yourself and say: ‘I had free will through all this time even if I was hanging out with someone who was nasty or stole money from me or did something unkind, I chose that I chose to be with them. Did I miss something? Was there a sign within my heart and mind, was there something they said or did before I got involved with them, that gave me a little red warning flag that this perhaps was not the ideal?
When you took the job that you hate so much now, was there something else that you could have done, could you have upgraded your skills and gone back to school and chosen something that you loved, could you have done something differently. Perhaps you could have not racked up your credit cards so that you had more freedom. Look back over the last 10 years in every circumstance and this can take some time.

So, we'd like you to really dedicate some time to this, on a weekend, perhaps Saturday or Sunday, when you are not so busy and ask yourself:
How did I get into this house?
How did I get into these relationships?
How did I get this children?
and own the decisions that you made, getting yourself into this decision, even if you made that decision in fear and scarcity, you still made the decision. And the fear and scarcity that motivated you is what you need to look at. Did you feel disempowered and choose to marry someone who had perhaps more money or prestige than you because you lacked what they had, and you wanted to get some of what they had? Look at that and ask yourself: ‘how can I raise up my opinion of myself so that this lack of self-esteem is healed?’

Each one of you will have circumstances in your life that you really don't like, that you wish you could change, but you must own your part in the co-creation of that circumstance and look at where you went astray, where did you not listen to your intuition, where did your motivation come from fear, are you still in that fearful place?- these are the questions to ask yourself.

Then you ask yourself the question: ‘why am I still here, even though I've been unhappy for years? What is keeping me here? Is it financial fear, is it fear of what other people will think, is it fear of others anger? What is keeping me in a situation that I know I do not like? And look at what it is in your mind that is speaking up when you say to yourself: ‘I am going to, let us say, change my job? What is the voice that comes up in response to that statement or that feeling? Write it down: you will not earn enough money, people are not going to like you if you do that, your mother is going to hate you and on and on and on. Look at those statements. Those are the blocks to your freedom, those thoughts that you believe are coming from a belief underneath them. And it could be a belief in money for example, which is a very understandable belief in your society. I cannot be free unless I win the lottery. This is a belief that many of you have been instilled with. The only time you plan for your future is when you buy that lottery ticket and think ‘if only I could win this’.

But what we would like you to do is, on a daily basis, ask yourself: ‘what can I do today to head towards the goal and the lifestyle and the life and the way of being that I would really like?’ This is not just about the houses and the cars that you have, this is about the relationships and the work that you do and how you entertain yourselves and your hobbies, friends, these are all in your life because of your choices.

So today do not be a victim in any way, shape, or form. Today own your part and write it down and say: ‘I am in this situation because I am...

I am scared of my own shadow,
I worry too much what other people think,
I have too much financial fear to take any risks,

whatever it is, write it down and look at it and own it and say:

‘this is one of my blocks, this is what I need to work on right now.

Nobody is going to save you, you are going to save yourselves by understanding your own minds, understanding your own motivations, understanding your own behaviors and how you use your freewill on a daily basis to maintain everything in your life. If you stop maintaining things that you don't like with your energy, they will fade away and the new thing that you're putting your energy into will begin to grow, it will begin to manifest a new life.

So, make today the day you do a fearless inventory of the last 10 years of your life and those decisions that you have made that have led your way you off, own it and say to yourself:
‘I am here because of my choices and I've used my free will to make those choices. Today is a line in the sand for me. Today I am going to assess that which does not suit me anymore and I am going to lovingly and slowly and gently turn my attention to that which I do want.’

You do not have to be cruel to the people in your lives, you do not have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, what you do need to do is to accept how you got where you are. In this moment today acceptance is the answer to all your problems because it is not until you accept that you have chosen everything that you have got in your life and that includes the thoughts in your mind that you believe. It is not until you accept this that you can change it.

As long as you are blaming others, as long as you are resisting during this exercise, as long as you think the government said fault or your ex-husband or -wife is at fault, you are powerless to change your victimhood. It is only in accepting your own responsibility that you will have now the true appreciation of how you have contributed to your situation and how you can change it.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again later.

donderdag 24 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 34 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The weather is turning in the northern hemisphere and your days are getting shorter and your nights are getting longer, and the weather is getting worse. Most of you are in fact in the northern hemisphere listening to these teachings. We do not want the southern hemisphere is to feel left out but there is a change in the weather coming. There is a change in the weather coming which means that you are going to be spending more time inside, less time outside and it is a time of year when people tend to spend far too much time inside watching television and these kinds of things.

So, we want to put a challenge to you this evening that through this autumn season, as the rains come and the cold temperatures come, that you buy yourself some good boots, that you buy yourself a new coat, if necessary, some mittens or gloves, a good hat and scarf, an umbrella if you live in the West coast and you go outside. Go outside as often as you can, breath cool cold air and understand that it does not hurt you, on the contrary, it gives you sustenance, it gives you information and it gives you relief from the electronics that you are surrounded by, the lights in your rooms, the wires that you cannot see hidden in the walls, the radiation coming off your computers and your phones. These are all frequency lowering emissions and it is very important that you do not, over these next few months, give up on your outside time. It is very important that you look up to the skies and you feel the wind and the rain on your face and then you get a little chilled and you get that burst of energy that comes from going for a walk.

Our dear one took Delphi out in the rain, three times today. There is no way that she would have gone out without that dog. The dog looks piercingly into her eyes and begs to go outside because the dog is not separated from its natural self, is not watching movies or playing on the computer or doing any of those things, it knows in his heart that nature is it salvation and it tolerates being inside because of its love of its owner, but it knows that to run through the grass and to get wet and dirty and to feel the wind and the smells and the beauty of the outside is its health, it understands this innately. And any of you that have a dog will know that. For those of you that do not have dogs you must pretend you have an invisible dog that is asking you to go for a walk at 8:00 o'clock in the morning. That is asking you to go for a walk in the rainy afternoon. That is asking you to go for a walk before bedtime. Pretend you have an invisible dog that is nipping at your heels and asking you to go for a walk, get outside, put your coats on put, your mitts on and your hats on and take your umbrellas and feel life. Do not spend this autumn locked up in your house watching the chaos of your world, it is not going to benefit you. When you are in your house do some artwork, knitted sweater, sort through old photographs, write in your diary, channel, do whatever it is that is creative and feels good to you, but do not spend your time hooked into the chaos-machine. It wants you to be frightened, it wants you to feel as if the world is coming to an end and it is not coming to an end it, is merely an ebb-season before the flow of new growth. Just like in the winter months seems as if everything has died and it is not so, there are new shoots that are going to come up through the earth and there are new bright green leaves that are going to come on the trees and the same thing will happen with your society once this cleansing is over.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again tomorrow.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 34 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus - Starten met de lessen van Een Cursus in Wonderen


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

You are all having your challenges during the 40 days and 40 nights. You will notice when your mind starts to resist. You will notice when there are excuses like: ‘I'm too busy. I missed a few days. … ‘

It is very important to pay attention to these things because these are the excuses your ego gives you for you are not following your spiritual practice diligently.

When you are doing your Course in Miracles-lessons life interferes with it and yet you have to think about it: ‘Oh, I'm dedicating myself to a spiritual practice to improve my life, my somewhat dysfunctional life, and yet I let my somewhat dysfunctional life interfere with the actual process that is going to help me.’

So for those of you that are just beginning A Course in Miracles and we really hope that these 40 days and nights have inspired many of you to either begin A Course in Miracles or revisit it, because if you have done the lessons of A Course in Miracles, but you have let it slide, so to speak, you're not practicing those principles that you have learned, you will see dysfunction in your life, you will feel suffering, you will feel sadness and unhappiness apparently for no particular reason.

When you do A Course in Miracles-lessons correctly and apply them, you actually don't need to redo them. This is a fallacy that many of you have, that you keep doing them over and over again. No, you practice them, you practice the principles when your mind tells you a lie ‘I am worthless’ you call up the lesson that you have permanently, indelibly put into your mind through the diligent practice of the 365 days and you counter that live with truth ‘I am a holy child of God, I am perfect, I am made of love from love’. That is the kind of thought that counters the egos hatefulness of saying ‘you are useless, you are worthless, you are unlovable’. So, we want to sort that out today.

So, for those of you that are beginning A Course in Miracles-lessons understand that procrastination only extends suffering. It doesn't make you better at learning the lessons. Some beings will say: ‘well I spent three days on one lesson or a week on one lesson’. What you are doing is you are allowing your ego to slow you down. Because they are daily lessons. When I designed that Course, it was a very slow and steady daily practice to bring you to a place of self-awareness and self-love.

When you allow the ego to say ‘I'm going to spend a week on this one’, not only are you procrastinating, you may think you are diving deeply, but in fact you are procrastinating, because what you're saying is that you know better, your mind knows better and this is what gets you all into so much trouble, that you think you know what you're doing even though you are being driven by unconscious desires instilled in you by propaganda commercials, TV shows, movies, blockbuster movies.

These are all putting, into your mind, beliefs, ideas, principles, ways to conduct your life that are ruling you, unbeknownst to you. This is why your lives are dysfunctional. This is why you have sicknesses. This is why you have weight issues. This is why you're insecure and fearful, because your ego has decided that you aren't living up to the standards that your society has set.

So, for example, if you look at the beauty myth that is perpetuated on your TV screens, almost every single woman on TV and movies is slim and beautiful, regardless of the role they're playing. You have the occasional overweight or older person, but often they are joke or they are considered weak or ineffective.

So, you have thousands and thousands of hours of that programming in your mind, both men and women have that programming in their mind. And so, if you do not meet the standard of beauty that these unrealistic images set, then you will feel terrible about how you look and how you feel and you will hate your body. This is an epidemic in western society, you will hate your body and you will think you're justified in doing so, you will not be able to see that. This is coming from deeply embedded programs that are running in your mind. This is one of the reasons we ask you to turn off your TV's and be very selective about the entertainment you watch because as this program runs you are being disempowered all the time. Women across North America and the western world are deeply disempowered by their belief that they need to look 25 for their entire lives.

So, when we say: ‘do as you are told’, we are not being mean to you. What we are saying is: ‘you really don't know what's in your own best interests given the beliefs and ideas that you have had implanted in your mind and that you allowed to reside there and that you strengthened by believing.’
So, when you believe a thought ‘I am a failure’, ‘I am useless’, ‘I am ugly’, ‘I'm unlovable’, ‘nobody will ever fall in love with me’ you are strengthening that belief. If you believe the thought, if you are a good Course in Miracles student after your 365 days of now loving indoctrination, then you will hear the thought ‘I am useless’ and you will recognize it as not true, you will recognize it as not true and you will not believe it and you will counter it with a loving belief that you have learned in those 365 days.

So, we want to reiterate to those of you that have done the Course but are still deeply in suffering. It is because you are believing the egos dictates, you are believing the egos thoughts still and you are not responding to those thoughts with disbelief, you are responding to those thoughts with ‘yes I'm terrible, nobody will love me’. And when you have a thought like that your frequency will plummet because you have disconnected yourself from love and you will think that you feel bad because you are unworthy, but in actual fact you feel bad because you believed a lie and your guidance system is saying ‘no, don't do that, backup, backup, backup’.

So, remember when you feel bad, you have disconnected from love, you have believed a lie or you have told a lie about what you are witnessing, a lie being an untruth. So, let us say you are witnessing someone's behavior that you disapprove of for some reason and you decide they are bad people, and they should be punished. This is the egos ruling system that your society uses, it has no compassion, no understanding, no forgiveness. The person who is smashing a window or setting a car on fire may have lived in such trauma and turmoil for so many years, that that is all they are capable of doing. And as hard as that is for some of you to accept when you're living in your comfortable homes, it is important that, when you feel bad, you understand why.

So, for those of you that have not yet started A Course in Miracles-lessons, let today be the day you start. You can start this very moment. You can go to the Foundation for Inner Peace and you could read the lesson there and then you can go to YouTube and you can follow our commentary throughout the one that we recorded last year.

So, let today be the day that you say: ‘no more procrastination, I am not going to let my ego win this battle, I'm going to make my mind more loving, I'm going to give my body a chance to heal’, because that is what happens when your mind becomes more loving.

So, if you are sick or you're feeling under the weather or under energized, do A Course in Miracles-lessons and you will begin to thrive. You must do them as prescribed. You do not have to like them, you don't have to understand them, just do them.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again later

woensdag 23 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 33 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

You have been looking at your life today and we want you to understand that life is a precious thing indeed. You are gifted to have life. You are blessed to have life. But this life is not the only life there is. There is life afterlife. We do not say life after death, we say there is life afterlife. And it's an important thing for you to think about, because there is this idea in your mind that you die, and things end. This is an ego idea. You do not die, and things do not end, you have this life and then you have another life and then you have another life. Some of which are in corporeal form, having a body, some of which are not, some are purely non-physical.

So, we want you to get excited about eternity. There is this desperation that starts to come into the ego's mind as you age. Your society of course does not value and look after old people. And so, there is a fear of being abandoned. There is fear of being left alone. There is fear of being cast aside. And then you have all of your programs around beauty and smooth skin and youth and all of these things. And so, there is a lack of enthusiasm for you as you enter your mature years. And in fact, your mature years should be your master years. These are the years where you express the things that you have learned throughout your life, that you have mastered your painting, or your writing, or your music, these kinds of ideas. But because of the way your system works many of you do not plan anything for your agent years. You think of retirement at 60 or 65 - which we consider young, we consider that young not old. From 65 to 100, let us say, if you are vitally living a happy life, you will live to be 100. This is a long time. 35 years! 35 years in which you produce your master works, in whatever form you are studying.

So, for those of you that are, let us say in your 30s or 40s, we want you to dismiss this idea of retirement and aging. We want you to see that you have lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime. Your consciousness continues on and your wisdom expands through these experiences.

So, when you are, let us say 45, and the idea of fear of aging comes up, now we want you to say: ‘no, I'm not going to fear aging, I am going to plan the things that I am going to do when I am older. I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that and I'm going to learn this and I'm going to go here’. We want you to get excited about aging because that is literally what keeps you alive. People die when they are 73 or 74 or 78 because they are not excited about their lives, they have perhaps worked at jobs they didn't like, they've retired, and they've gone into this state of inertia. Spirit does not like inertia, spirit likes new horizons, it likes new people, likes new places, experiences. It likes to be stimulated, it likes to grow and learn.

And so, if you decide that you're not going to grow and learn after 65, your spirit will say: ‘Okay, well we're not going hang around that much longer than if you are not going to do anything interesting, this is kind of a waste of time, we could start another incarnation and have some brand-new experience.’

So, as you fall asleep tonight, we want you to see yourself as an eternal spiritual being. We want you to ask for dreams tonight that will assist you in understanding your purpose here, that will assist you in guiding you in the next decisions that you have to make regarding your learning, your expression, your fun, your play, your love.

So, as you fall asleep tonight, we want you to say to yourself: ‘I am an internal spiritual being. This will never be done. It will never be over. When I graduate from this class, I will go into another class where I will have new assignments and new partners and new teachers, and it is all going to be a lot of fun’.

And you can go to sleep tonight with a smile on your face, knowing that life goes on and on and on.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again tomorrow.