woensdag 30 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 40 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus - Bewust worden, de weg naar een beter leven.


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus

And as we come to the very end of this gathering, we are filled with love for all of you. You have all done extremely well in following the prescriptions and ideas, thoughts, that we have been presenting to you and it's very important to remember that all of the advice that we have given you over these 40 days and nights is applicable to you all the time. It is always good for you to think about why you are doing what you are doing. It is always good to forgive those who have seemed to break the rules that you have for your society.
But in the bigger picture, we want you to understand that forgiveness is the path to peace. Forgiveness means that you understand that the world is a reflection of the unconscious in all of you. And when you are unconscious of something you are unable to see it. It is brought into being as physical experiences, people, places, things, and experiences, so that you can see it.
So when you are condemning the world, you are condemning the very thing that has been given as a gift to you so that you can see what is unconscious in all of you.

Let us say that again.

When you condemn the world, you are condemning the very gift that you have been given to demonstrate, in front of you, that which you are unconscious of.

So, as you are experiencing the world today, when you look out into the world and you look out into your family and your friends and all of these sorts of aspects of life that you experience, you are experiencing your consciousness and your collective co-created consciousness that you share with your brothers and sisters.
And when you see things that are shocking, when you see things that are being revealed, when you are seeing behaviors that make no sense, we will tell you, those things reside in all of your minds.
So right now there is a great masking of the world, there is a great masking of the world that is asking you to hide your face so that nobody can see your smile. There is a great masking of the world that is asking you to stop breathing freely, to breathe poisonous gases coming from your own body.

Why does your body excrete carbon dioxide and all the other things that are breathed out of your body, it is because they are not good to keep in your body, they need to leave your body, that is why you breathe good things in and you breathe the used up useless things out.

You are being asked to hide your most beautiful feature, your smile. You are being asked to inhale the poisons that your body is naturally designed to release so that you can be healthy, you are being asked to do things that are not logical and not healthy.

And we are asking you to understand that, if you comply with these things willingly without argument, then you are agreeing, using your free will to say: ‘Yes, I am happy to hide the most beautiful thing about me and I am happy to breathe in poisons’, and you will reap the rewards of that harvest. The seeds will grow, and they will grow into a bitter fruit and you will get to eat it.

So, we want you to understand the saying ‘you reap what you sow’ in always every single day and it is important for you to understand that the world is reflecting back to you the unconscious in all of you and in you.
Not just all of you but you, in particular, are having that reflected back to you that which is unconscious in you. If you are unaware of your need to please authority figures, you get to see it today and you need to see it, you need to understand that that belief resides in your mind. If you get angry at people for not doing what you want, you get to see the anger that resides in you and your belief that anger is a way of solving problems and you get to see that you believe that you are separate from others, you believe that if you attack others verbally or mentally you believe that you do not suffer for that.
Well, you do. You are all connected, you are all aspects of the one mind of God, and you are all equally valued in the mind of God, but you are allowed to play out your games here, you are allowed to let your egos chase whatever idols and beliefs that they want to hear. You are given free will, but always remember the frequency that you hold is set by the beliefs, thoughts that you act upon as if they are true and real and valuable.
So as we go towards the end of 2020, a year none of you will ever forget, it is important for you to remember how you set your frequency. It is not the smile you put on your face to disguise your dislike of someone, it is your dislike of that person that is going to set the tone for your experiences.
So this year is about revealing unconscious behavior, it is about revealing to you that which you are unaware of. Many of you have been shocked by the compliance that you have seen across the planet, people being told to stay inside, and they do it without argument. That business is failing, their families becoming bankrupt. That country’s economies tanking.
Many of you are shocked that people can be so easily coerced. This is something that was revealed to all of you this year, so be grateful for what you are having revealed to you this year, because it is the unconscious in each of you that brings towards you those unpleasant experiences of negativity, betrayal, sickness, mental disruption, mental illness. It lives within you. The enemy is not outside, the enemy is within and it is your unconscious following of beliefs and ideas that are unhealthy and unloving.

And as we have said many, many times A Course in Miracles is designed to train you so that you are the master of your mind and therefore the master of the ship and the setter of the direction and tone of your life.

If you do not retrain your mind, because it has been trained either many forces that we speak about often, if you do not retrain your mind, if you end this 40 days and say: ‘oh that was fun, I'm not doing A Course in Miracles, it seems like too much work to me’, let us tell you that it will be much more work living with your currently trained mind in charge because so much of what you have been taught through constant propaganda and repeated instruction is not loving, is not good and all you have to do is look at the state of your world right now to understand that these are the fruits of the system that is at play right now.

If you do not like what is happening, you do not like the fruits of this system, then you must change your mind, using your free will daily to practice A Course in Miracles-lessons, to reclaim the loving consciousness that is your natural inheritance.
So today is a day that we want you to decide: ‘Am I going to side with love and retrain my mind and release from within me that which is undermining me, or am I going to keep doing the same old thing, getting the same results?’

The choice is up to you. You have free will. We cannot do it for you. All we can do is tell you that life is much better when resentments and hatred and separation or let go of and forgiveness, love, enjoy, creativity and abundance are embraced.

We have given you our best this 40 days and 40 nights, so has this being. We have one session left to go, so we will save some little tidbits for that, but we thank you for your participation in this journey together and we will speak to you again later

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