woensdag 2 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 12 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And the symptoms of ascension are what we are going to address this evening. The symptoms of ascension are increasing feelings of pressure, disillusionment with what is going on in the world, a sense of sadness and grief, a sense of excitement and eager anticipation, there can be some physical symptoms as well, such as headaches, lethargy, confusion, …

What is happening is that your body, which is a very slow responder in a sense, your cells and your bones and your teeth and your nervous system are completely regenerable or replaceable and they do recover overtime and they replace cells obviously overtime. But what's happening now with the galactic speed up, is that the body is struggling a little bit to keep up with those of you that are doing an intense forgiveness and self-reflection practice.
So when you are in this steep phase of expansion, what happens is, not only does the body have trouble matching the frequency that you are now setting with your mind  - now remember your body has been matching the previous frequencies that you have been setting - so if you've gone through some big shifts in the last several months and you are practicing forgiveness, you are shifting your diet, you are turning off the TV, you are doing some of the things that we have suggested you to do, your mind can change in an instant. It can decide: ‘that is it, no more TV’, and it will not watch anymore TV. The body that is following along behind that mind has some catch up to do, because it is reflecting the frequency of the TV watching you were doing and suddenly you've stopped.
So, all of these physiological systems, these cellular structures, the organs, the bones, teeth, everything now is going to be replaced with cellular structure of a higher frequency.

So you have that aspect of the essential process and you can imagine that the body is going to feel like it's shifting gears and so some of you may have trouble sleeping, some of you may want to sleep more depending on how you're managing your energy systems.

The other thing that you have happening is increasing light frequencies coming in from the outside which is doing the same thing. It is transforming your minds and it is transforming your bodies as well. So, for the physiological aspect of you, the electrical aspect, the nervous system, the digestive system, all of these things, they are receiving these light upgrades and again trying to keep up with them.
So, you have it coming from both directions for the poor old body and the poor old cells and so we want you to understand that that is what is happening. You can also be suffering at times from grief or sadness or disillusionment about what is happening in your society because you're looking at the physical signs, the form, rather than what's underlying the form.

When you listen to us and we tell you a different story than the mass media systems about what's happening in your society, then you may feel a bit more optimistic, you may realize that there is a great shift happening on your planet that is galactic in nature. It is not just ruled by, you are not just ruled by governments and these transformations are not just ruled by governments, there is something going on beneath the form. I want you to remember that as you go to sleep tonight.

So, as you go to sleep tonight, we would like you to do a survey of your body. We would like you to take a few deep breaths and do a meditation where you go to your toes and you feel the energy in your toes, wiggle your toes a little bit and then feel your feet, the arches of your feet, stretch your feet there a little bit, twist your ankles around, rotate them left and right and feel that vital life is living in those areas, continue up the body, through the calves and knees and thighs, slowly, feeling the life force that is pulsating in every single cell of your body and as you go up, the entire length of your torso, up to your neck and head, up from your fingers, to your elbows and to your shoulders, we would like you too feel a sense of gratitude for the body and thank the body for handling these new experiences so well. Encourage the body, tell it that you are on its side and that you apologize for any negativities that you have said about it in the past and you've come to understand that it's merely doing your bidding, it does not have any volition of its own in that sense. All of the systems in your body are controlled by your beliefs, even if they are unconscious. So, it would seem that there are things happening, the development of an injury or sickness, that you don't consciously want but there is a match somewhere in your mind.

So this is the time for you to survey the body before sleep, feel that energy, thank it for being such a good messenger and taking you on this amazing journey through your consciousness evolution and your expansion, your ascension and go to bed, forgiving your body for all the sins it has not committed. It is doing its best given who is driving it around. It is you that is driving it around and it is you that is creating or miss-creating within its bounds.

So tonight, let us just forgive it. Thank it and go to sleep. Knowing that you are blessed to have this opportunity to be manifested in the world at this time. You are going to learn a lot, you have learned a lot, and to be here in the physical is a blessing indeed even though you are in separation, even though this is a challenging time, you are going to find out a lot about yourself and that, after all, is what your incarnation is.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again in the morning.

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