vrijdag 4 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 14 - Ochtendsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessing beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And as you pass through some of these barriers that are coming up for you, what is going to happen is that you are going to realize that there are more barriers than you thought. The barriers that you come up against, whether it be an unwillingness to do the exercises that we are suggesting or an unwillingness to share the material that we have asked you to do, these barriers are barriers belief.

When you want to do something, but you do not do it, what you are experiencing is the difference between spirit and conditioned mind. When you are feeling desire for something, let us say, you'd like to go on a walk, but it's raining and you don't go, what you are experiencing in that simple event is spirit moving you: ‘I'd like to go for a walk -  there is a feeling I have - I'd like to go for a walk’ and then the conditioned teaching: ‘we don't walk in the rain, your hair will get messy, you'll get cold, that's not what we're going to do, … ‘ and in that microcosm you are seeing and feeling all you need to understand about how to choose freely with spirit. Spirit will always guide you by a feeling of interest or curiosity or ‘that looks lovely, I think I'll go over there’, ‘that person looks interesting, I want to talk to them’ …  It will always be from attraction; it will not be from aversion. Aversion comes from the conditioned mind.

So, when you are experiencing your day, what we want you to understand is that spirit always speaks to you through this positivity. It is going to feel as if you want to do something, it is going to feel attractive, to do something, you are interested in that conversation or that person or that activity. And when you listen to that guidance, you are following a map, you are following a map that is being given to you and read out to you, so to speak, by your guides and teachers.

There is this idea that feelings are yours. There is this idea that ideas are yours. Well, some of them are, but a lot of them are coming from your guides and teachers saying: ‘go to that coffee shop today, there's somebody in there that you really want to meet or that we think would be great for you to meet’. And so, you might go to your normal coffee shop and then you think: ‘no, I'm going to go over here’. Now very few of you would say that you have an intimate conscious contact with your guides and teachers, but that is exactly what is happening in that circumstance. We are, and your guides and teachers are, able to influence you in small ways that do not go against your free will.

So, when you have that small inner guidance: so, I am going to go over here today instead, it feels positive, it does not feel negative about the normal coffee shop, it feels positive about the other coffee shop. We are ignoring the current coffee shop; we're going towards the less commonly visiting coffee shop. When you have these kinds of events happen, then you are following the blueprint of your life, which is going to take you, with assistance from your guides and teachers, towards that which is beneficial to you. Now whatever is beneficial to you may be an experience that you need to have to deconstruct some beliefs and ideas that you hold as truth that are not truth.

So not all experiences that you are drawn to are positive ones. This is something that is confusing for many people. You might be attracted to somebody who ends up not being the ideal partner for you or having a relationship that is less than ideal, but you needed to see something about yourself that this other person brings out in you. Perhaps they are a bit aggressive or bullyish and you need to see that your boundaries are not strong enough and that you do not stand strong in your power and sovereignty. And when you have been through the relationship and you come out of the other side, if you can see what benefited you in that relationship, then you are not bitter and twisted by it.
If you are in projection, which means you are blaming the other person for the disastrous relationship, then you will not get the lesson, you are pushing the lesson onto them saying: ‘they're guilty, I'm innocent.’ This is what the ego likes to do.

So, what we want you to understand is that you are always being guided to the best event for you. Everything works together for good and spirit does not say: ‘don't go over there’, it says: ‘come over here.’ Condition teachings say: ‘we don't do that, we don't like that, that's wrong, you're bad, …’ Spirit does not do that.
So, whenever you are in a state of unknowing or not knowing what direction to go in, yet quiet and ask yourself: ‘what is my preference here, what is my preference here? Oh, it is definitely over here, it's not over there. This has fear and some other things going on which I don't like the feel of.’

So, for example, you may have a job that you don't like, and you may be putting out to the universe that you would like to have a different kind of employment and, lo and behold, don't you get fired or doesn't the company cut back on their employees and you are removed from that position. You are in the ego-mind, you will say: ‘this is terrible, I've lost my job, I've lost my paycheck, I don't know what I'm going to do, this is frightening’, because the ego is all about survival. But if you're in spirit you say: ‘you know what, this is actually in alignment with the prayers that I have been speaking for several months now, I want out of here’. And so, you come out of that same experience as the ego driven person, curious, open, looking for new opportunities. The fearful ego driven person is shut down, terrified, might take another job they do not like, because they are in fear.

So today we want you to feel your way through these simple choices. How do you decide what to do each day, which voice are you listening to? If you listen to spirit, you will be relaxed, open, curious, adventurous perhaps. Perhaps it will be an ordinary day and not much will happen, but you are still making multiple decisions. Make sure they are conscious and that you are aware of the frequency of those decisions. Do not make decisions from a place of fear or limitation. Makes sense from a place of openness and curiosity.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again later.

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