donderdag 3 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 13 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And we are 13 days into a reconditioning program that is going to benefit you. Every time you pay attention to what you are using your free will for, you are micro tuning your life and your future.
So whenever you think of your life as a straight line: ‘I am here and in 10 years I'm going to be over there’, when you make a decision that it's different in this moment, the ‘over there’ has moved a little tiny bit. If you keep making new decisions, more loving decisions, more forgiving interpretations of reality, let us say, as you make many of these decisions throughout the day, your future moves from ‘there’ to ‘way over there’, because as these changes shift and change your new experience, the trajectory of your life, changes.
So if you are in a place right now where you don't like what you're experiencing, let us say you're in a relationship that's not as loving as you'd like or you're in a physical state with your body that is less than ideal, do not dismiss these little changes, do not dismiss the fact that you didn't say you hated your body this morning or you were kinder to your partner this morning, these tiny shifts make massive differences down the line, because they bring to you a more loving experience in the next moment and the next moment and the next moment and the smallest ship can drastically change your life in the future.
When you're making many, as all of you are now, we are encouraging you to question why you do things, to break out of your own self-imposed prisons.
Some of you are complaining about prisons that are being imposed upon you from the outside, but you must recognize where you are complicit in your own imprisoning and break free from those self-imposed limitations, because you are the creator of your life, even though you have been taught that the outside influences you in ways you cannot change once they have come into manifestation.
That may be true, but you can always change the future by the focus of your mind in the eternal now.
So, remember the eternal now, this place here now, now, now, now, now, is the only control creative nexus point that you have. You do not change things in the past. whatever happened, happened; your interpretation of the past changes in the eternal now.
So, for example, if you had a bad experience with a parent and you constantly remind yourself all but ‘dad did this to me, your mom did this to me’, you are bringing the past into the present and you are re-victimizing yourself. Every time you bring the negative memory into the present moment you are choosing to contaminate the clear moment now, the pure moment of the eternal now. You are choosing to contaminate with a negative image and that means that you are using your free will to contaminate the future because the future is being created in the eternal now.
So this is a very, very important point for us to mention to you as you go to sleep tonight. And so as you sit in your bed, this evening, lights turned off, no phones in the bedroom - please this is something that we want to begin to emphasize, no phones in the bedroom - do your final messaging and final whatever you do before you hit the bedroom, turn your phone off, turn your Wi-Fi off, you don't need it, it's going to interfere with your nighttime astral education.
So from now on we would like all of you to leave your phones turned off in the kitchen or the living room, away from where you can access them easily. This is a very important point.
So as you are sitting there, reflecting in this quiet room without electronics flashing way or digging away at you, do a forgiveness prayer for the person who comes into your mind immediately when you think: ‘I have something to forgive’, whoever that person is, send them love and say: ‘I release you from these in enmeshments that we have had together, I release our relationship to the Holy Spirit so we can both be free’.
This now can become a regular prayer whenever your relationship with someone comes up in your mind in a negative way: ‘I release this relationship to the Holy Spirit so we can both be free’, because, as long as you're holding on to the negativities, they are not free, either they will feel it, they will feel hooked in to you by your focus on them in a negative way.
So that is our evening lesson for you. Understand that forgiveness is for you. It massively affects your future and if you are not happy where you are right now it is in this moment that you can change the future that you are magnetizing to yourself. You are master creators, you are beautiful, powerful beings made in the image of God. I love you very much and we will speak to you tomorrow. Have sweet dreams and understand the power of your mind.

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