maandag 30 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 10 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And as your awareness is expand, as your self-analysis increases, you will begin, each day, to catch more and more subtle indicators of when you are off track. So the purpose of these 40 days and 40 nights is to bring you on board with this idea that you should question everything, question everything, question why you eat what you eat for breakfast. Who taught you that? Is it actually good for you? Is it nutritious? Does it serve a purpose? Question everything, because 99% of what you do is conditioned behavior and until you begin to address that conditioned behavior, conditioned by watching Gilligan's island when you were a child, conditioned by watching bank commercials, conditioned by so many things that you do not remember, but they are all neatly packaged away in your subconscious mind, in the basement of your mind and they are constantly guiding you, constantly pushing you hither and yawn.
When you begin to question things, you begin to open the trap door to the basement, and you begin to use your free will to expand your freedom. If you are in unconsciousness, you are being driven by these subterranean ideas all the time. When you come into consciousness, that means ‘why did I just say what I did? Why am I doing what I am doing? What is causing me to make these choices?’, you are now becoming the observer of your life, you are now becoming objective if you will to a certain degree.
Now true objectivity is a very, very difficult thing to master, but you are on in the beginning phases of that objectivity, which means, you are starting to question the narrative that you are being fed, you are beginning to question the narrative that you feed others about yourself.
So, for example, it's good to listen to the story that you introduce yourself to people with. Are you telling them that you have a chronic illness within the first 2 minutes of meeting them? Why would you do that other than to set up a behavior response from them that you want that will reinforce that sickness.
So, as you go to sleep tonight, we would like you to reflect back on the day that you have had, what experiences stand out and why do they stand out. We would like you to take your notebook to bed with you, your journal to bed with you tonight, and make note of those experiences that stood out for you. Is there a pattern to this? Is this the kind of thing that happens to you all the time? Is there a repetition here? Did you have a wonderful new experience today that was surprising to you? Make notes about it and reflect on it. You do not have to do to decipher everything. But we would like you to take 10 minutes to reflect on your day, making note of that which drew your attention for whatever reason. Just make a note of it: ‘oh, I'm recalling that particular moment in the day, I'm not sure why, this is what happened: I met Susie on the street and we had a nice conversation for a couple of minutes and then I left her but for some reason it is sticking to me. Let us have a look at that. Was there an emotion that was elicited in that conversation? Was their distress elicited in that conversation? Bring it up above the form and so, let us say, the person said something that hurt your feelings, let us say the person said something that got you excited. The feelings, the wound and the excitement are in you, they are not in the other person. They are not responsible for how you felt during that exchange.
So as you go to bed, reflect on any experiences you had today that brought things up in you that already resided there.
So this is what's happening here, your life is washing over you, it is a reflection of your consciousness and it's going to give you opportunities in the day to trigger the unconscious up into the conscious. That is, for example, what happens when somebody hurts your feelings, a wound that you had in the basement of your mind has come rushing to the surface for you to see.
So in this little diary entry tonight, we would like you to, not blame just reflect on what has happened to you today.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again in the morning.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 10 - Ochtendsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus

You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And so far, so good. You are all doing extremely well, paying attention to the things to which we are pointing you. What you must remember, as you go through these days, is that you are on a fast track now between now and December 21st. You are on a fast track towards evolution and you are on a fast track towards transformation of your society.
So when you look at the events that are happening, we want you to really step back from being immersed in them, and terrified by them, or confused by them.
Now is the time to understand that you are watching a movie, just as when you go to a movie theatre, you understand that there is a ploy being used on the movie to get you emotionally involved. You go into a movie understanding: ‘oh, it's a horror movie, so I will be frightened. It is a romance, so I will have my heart strings pulled. It is a tragedy, so I will cry’, but you still know that it is a movie and yet you surrender to the storytelling because you want to have an emotional experience.
Well what is happening in your world at this time, is that there is a movie being played out that is designed just like the movies in the movie theatre. The strategist, the writers, the music, all of these characters in the movie have certain assigned roles.
So for example, you will have the music in a suspenseful movie, if you watch a suspenseful movie without the music, it is not very suspenseful, the music adds a lot of drama to the vision of what you are seeing.
So does the lighting, if you look at – we’ll go for another suspenseful movie because they use a lot of these techniques to get you to be frightened or anticipate danger - the lighting will be very, very dim or strategically placed.
How many of you have seen detective movies where they go into the house that there searching with all the lights off and a flashlight. Well you would never do that if you were going into a house at night looking for something, you would turn all the lights on, but it wouldn't work well as part of the movie.
So when you go into the theatres, when you walk through the door, you say: ‘ah, I'm going to suspend my logical mind, I'm going to suspend my critical thinking and I am going to allow you to manipulate me’. That is what you are essentially saying when you go to the movies. The same thing is happening on your TV screens, the same thing is happening on your news shows. You are being manipulated, using exactly the same formula. The only trouble is that you are not aware of the fact that you are being manipulated, you think that the information that is coming your way, is real and objective. It is not. It is a huge production. And when you feel your emotions being played by the news, by the coverage of certain subjects, we want you to start to realise: ‘oh, this is exactly the same thing that happens to me when I go to a movie, an action movie, I get it, my emotions are being played here.’

Now one of the things that you do not realise is how powerful your emotions are, especially when there are millions of you feeling the same thing. You can be manipulated into a sense of urgency or fear or desperation through these mechanisms that will, in fact, alter the trajectory of your manifestations and that is exactly what is being attempted here, it has been working for a long time since television really was implemented, but propaganda was at play before that. You see many examples of propaganda and yet, for some reason, some strange reason, you do not think that propaganda is at play now it is in spades.

So, what we want you to do is, whenever you watch any piece of news, we want you to step back and see if you can see where you're being manipulated. See if you can pay attention to the music that is being piped through while there is a new story on.
See if you can tell, by the clothes the news people are wearing, what kind of clothes are they wearing, what kind of background is behind them, what kind of guests are being called on the show? All of these things are staged and intentional and it is time that you all, as wise beings, came to understand that the very same thing that happens to you in the movie theatre, is happening with this particular form of information dissemination. You are to intelligent and the price is to high now for you to believe these things. You are being played, your emotions are being harvested and manipulated and those emotions, when they are fear driven, when they are scarcity driven, when they are triggered into fight or flight, you can lose your ability to think clearly, make sound long-term decisions and you begin to make poor short-term decisions.

So that is your challenge today. It is whatever news you are watching, whatever information sources you are watching, whatever movies you are watching, now is the time to step back and ask yourself: ‘how am I being manipulated here? What is the emotion that is being elicited and what is the purpose behind that?

I am that one that you know Jesus and I will speak to you again later.


zondag 29 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 9 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And as you come to the end of this day where you have been looking at where you are inauthentic, it is time to decide ‘why?’ Why do I not show my true colors in this situation? Why do I not speak my truth in that situation? You do not have to know the answer to this, but when you are seeking awakening, when you are speaking spiritual expansion, you must remember that the ego tries to hide these things from you. It does not want you to wake up. It does not want you to communicate deeply with others. It does not want you to get close with others. Remember you are seeing the installation of these restrictions in your society. And what are they doing? They are interfering with communication, interfering with closeness, interfering with community gatherings. All of these things are aspects of the expanded consciousness. The separation hiding secrecy distancing is an aspect of the ego mind. So, you are doubly challenged at this time because of these restrictions that are being implemented. But when you understand that the fear required to keep you under control, requires strengthening the ego.

So, to transform your society into that which you want, which is a loving, communal, happy, healthy, abundant place, you must begin to understand the principles of creating that kind of society.

When you look into your own mind, when you look into your own inauthenticity, your own secrecy, your own fears, then you can see how you are helping to implement these systems of separation because, when you look at what you're doing, when what's fear driven in you, what you are keeping secret, where you're inauthentic, then you can see: ‘ah, I am contributing the same energy to the system that I, in my conscious mind, say ‘I do not want to experience’.

So, this is how the ego hides things from you, it hides them from you, but it doesn't take much excavation to find them. So even just looking at where you are keeping a secret, where you are being closed mouth, you can begin to see: ‘ah, I am hiding from myself those traits which are going to support the kind of system that we're seeing developing here.’
So when you become more authentic, when you become more honest, when you become more clearly expressive, when you don't hide behind a mask, you will be doing what needs to be done to shift and change the future of your society.
So this is the idea, again, that the world is reflecting the unconsciousness of the participants in this society. Most of us in this society - and I say us because we are fully participatory in your experience at this time, we are feeling you, let us say - most of the beings in this society have this social face, a mask on, that is now being asked, it's now being asked of you to put it on in real time, it is a reflection of you. So, we would like the authentic you to begin to surface.

Now we understand that there is some fear around this. Many of you believe that if you are authentic, that relationships will collapse, that marriages will end, that you will lose your job, all of these things. We are asking you to become more authentic in tiny little ways. Perhaps somebody says: ‘would you like another serving of dessert?  and you say: ‘yes’, because you are being polite. If you're being authentic you say actually: ‘no, I'm full, I don't need anymore.’ Somebody else saying: ‘would you like another glass of wine?’,  and you say: ‘actually no, you know what I've had enough, if I have another one I won’t feel very good’. Somebody saying: ‘do you want to go out for dinner?’, and you have that feeling of ‘no I don't really want to go out, I'd like to be quiet tonight’, but you feel that social pressure to say: ‘sure, I will meet you at 7:00 o'clock.’ These are the tiny ways that you are not honest and so we are asking you to become more honest.

And so, as you go to sleep tonight, we just want you to reflect again on the ways in which you are inauthentic, hiding behind a social mask, hiding behind a social face.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll see you in the morning.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 9 - Ochtendsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

Some of you are setting your sights too low, some of you are setting your sights too high.
What we want you to do today is we want you to look at where you actually are. This is something that humans, trained in your systems, are not very good at. This requires calm, it requires acceptance, it requires a non-resistant frame of mind, a forgiving frame of mind.
So if you look at yourself now, with as objective lens as you are able, what we would like you to do is to ask yourself: ‘where am I not living authentically?’ Some of you may have great love affairs for example, beings in your lives who you worship and adore but they may not know who you are because you have been lying to them, in a sense being inauthentic.

When you are working in a job that is paying the bills, but you have that little feeling of dread inside each morning when you get up to go to work, you'd rather not go but feel you have to go, you are lying to yourself.

So today we want you to be brutally honest with yourselves. We want you to go through your day, doing what it is that you normally do, try not to change what you're doing to try and make your resume better, but do what you ordinarily do, with the people that you ordinarily do it. But watch today. Watch where you are not honest. Watch where you are obligated. Watch where you are fearful. Watch where you are resistant. Your feelings, this interior language that is yours and yours alone, is telling you exactly what needs to be changed.

Many beings will come to this being (Tina) and ask for a session and ask for their purpose, ask for this and that, but the truth of the matter is you all have within you what you need to figure it out. You have this guidance system that is impeccable and constant. So today we want you to begin to use it.

Now some of you are more curious about the worldly events that are happening, but what we want you to know is that the worldly events that are happening, as we mentioned yesterday, they have already been manifested from the frequency of this planet and the beings that are collectively contributing to that frequency. It is a done deal. What you are seeing now is a done deal. What we are speaking about is influencing as many people as possible into a more positive mental and emotional space so that the future does not look like it does today.

The ascension process is one of expansion. It is one of moving more closely towards love and away from fear. It is a journey into greatness. But to join in that journey into greatness, you must find the great in you.
Now this is not a self-improvement project, this is not about the egos self-improvements where it wants you to be thinner, it wants you to be richer ….., this is about becoming your true authentic self, your sovereign self, your empowered self. That is a different thing. You are each going to be a unique manifestation of the divine, the godhead. That is what you come in with, you come in with this unique configuration. But many of you come in with baggage that you do not need to be carrying and you have picked up baggage along the way in your life that you do not need to be carrying. And this is where your inauthenticity's come from. Perhaps you had a parent who was very angry if you were honest, so you learned to be dishonest. Perhaps you went to a very strict religious school where any expression of sexuality or love was shamed and punished and so you have become frigid in that sense. These are the things that we are asking you to look at, we are asking you to look at the baggage that is not you. And you will know that it is baggage because it makes you feel bad. It is very, very simple. The guidance system that you have been given was not a complicated one. It is a very, very simple one. When you are off track you feel bad and today is the day that we want you to monitor your feelings. We do not want you to judge them. We do not want you to feel bad because you feel bad, that is pointless. We want you to go into your day open and curious and watching, becoming the observer of what it is that you tend to do.
So that is your assignment this morning. Pay attention to your guidance system today, not to judge yourself, not to judge others, but to truly make note of where you are strong, where you are wavering and where you are weak. Where you are weak, and wavering is what we are going to work on over these weeks. We want you to come out of this 40 days and 40 nights, clarified, feeling stronger, feeling more centered, feeling more able to invest in that which you want more of, because when you are inauthentic, when you are pussyfooting around subjects, not being honest, you are miss-creating a future that you do not want.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again later.

zaterdag 28 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 8 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The memories that you have of your childhood, the memories that you have of your life, the memories that you have of your family are things that you are going to be need addressed now in these days of transformation and ascension.

When you are attached to the past you are destined to repeat it. It is an interesting part of the creative process that when you are constantly referring to the past, you are contaminating the present moment where a new future can be created.
As you are going through this autumn season it is very important for you not to lament the loss of the old. The world is changing, the world is transforming and all of you need to learn how to manage your minds more easily and more appropriately. This means that if you're remembering things it is because they either are negatives, you don't want to have them happen again, in which case the remembering brings that frequency into the present moment and is going to cause it to be repeated. If you remember something fondly, because you miss it, it was a good thing, you wish you had it now, you are lowering your frequency by implying that the present is not as good as the past. The only memories that you should be entertaining are ones that fill you with joy, ones that you would love to repeat. So high frequency events that would be a wonderful addition to your future.

Now many of you, in this modern world, have been taught to ruminate on the past, ruminate on the sins that have been committed against you, talk about the pains that you have gone through. This is a normal aspect of traditional psychotherapy and we want you to cease and desist that.

Many of you are identified with the past to such degree that you are re-victimizing yourselves over, and over again.

Why are we mentioning this? Well we're mentioning this because this is a time of very, very fast manifestation and if you are in a negative past trauma loop, where you keep remembering bad things, you are going to experience them again more quickly. What we need you all to be clear on now is that it's time to focus on what you want, it's time to focus on the world you would like to see. The distractions of the present, in terms of disasters, it is very important that you ignore them right now.

Now many of you will say: ‘we can't ignore them, the trees are burning, the riots are in the streets, the covid thing is happening, this present moment is turning out to be quite a disaster’. Well, all of these present situations have been harvested and manufactured from past low frequency thoughts, beliefs, ideas, behaviors. The only way you are going to change them is to stop looking at them as if they are wrong.

Now what do we mean by this? When you look at something that is happening and resist it or refuse to accept it, you are saying that it shouldn't have happened. Well it has happened. Resisting what is, is pointless, it has already come into manifestation.

So when you look at riots on the streets or you look at the loss of your freedoms, what you want to do is you want to look at it and say: ‘this is unwanted, but it is happening, so I'm not going to get angry at it, I'm not going to resist it, I'm not going to fight it, I am going to pivot and turn and look at what I want’. So, if you have lost freedoms, in your imagination, we want you going to feeling free.

So, for example, you are living in a city apartment and you are being locked down and you can feel those restrictions coming, we would like you to envision in your mind where you would like to be: ‘Ah, I would like to have that beautiful beach house that I've always dreamed off, I'd like to see myself walking freely along the beach without a mask on’. That is what we want you to think about, we want you to feel what it would feel like to have what you want. This is how this period of manifestation is going to work. The more of you that are envisioning freedom, the more of you that are envisioning peace, the more of you that are envisioning love in this moment, that is what is going to begin to manifest. All of these negativities have become manifested because of the war movies that you watch and the contagion movies that you watch and the resentments that you have of the past, the unforgiveness.

So now is the time to be disciplined. As you go into your sleep time, we would like you to lay there in bed, 10 minutes before you go to sleep, envisioning your freedom, envisioning a peaceful world, envisioning happiness and prosperity for all. The more of you that do it, the more that it is going to come into being. It will come into being for those of you that are dedicated to manifesting that beautiful world.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again tomorrow.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 8 - Ochtendsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And so many of you are finding these messages supportive. So many of you are looking forward to these messages because there is a dearth of happy messages on your planet, there is doom and gloom. And this is why we wanted to do this particular configuration of lessons for you.

So, you had an intensive period where you were being asked to pay attention to your frequency, because this is what this autumn season is all about, it is all about your frequency.
You see when you're heading into high frequency areas, which are more evolved if you would like to look at it at that way, the higher the frequency, the less tolerance there is for heaviness, for negativity.
Then you are being asked to be your best. And for many of you this is not what you asked of yourselves. You do not ask yourselves to be your best. You eat some junk food, especially during this quarantining kind of time. Many of you have gained weight. You watch bad TV shows, you gossip, you denigrate yourself, you do not ask the best of yourself in this high frequency time period.
You are going to regret that. And you're going to regret that because manifestation is happening more quickly. You are going to, because of the frequency, you are going to get a quicker feedback loop from the universe.
You always get a feedback loop from the universe. You don't realize it that you have a hateful thought and negative ideas about yourself and then you will have a coworker who has nasty things to say about you. You do not put two and two together. You do not see the universe as a reflective device showing you what you are unaware of.
That is what it is for. The things that you do not accept or love, you push outside of yourself and they appear on the screen of your life in the form of trials and tribulations, negativities, positivity’s too. You get your positive beliefs reflected back to you as well. But more often than not you are aware of those positive beliefs, because you do not distance yourself from them.
You deny the shadow, you push away the shadow, you repress and control the shadow. And so, it must appear somewhere because you are intensely creative beings.

So what happens, is it appears out in front of you in the form of people, places and things that you do not like and do not want, because these are aspects of your own mind.
Now this is always going on, this reflected quality of the universe. You are always bumping into aspects of your unconscious self. But now the speed is quickening.

So, as the frequency rate of the vibration of that which you are traveling through and that which you are living on, increases, the return frequency is faster.
So, if you are being careless with your thoughts, if you are being careless with your habits, you are going to get those negative reflections back more quickly.

What is happening on your planet is an evolution that is the same as evolution always is throughout the universe. The more evolved you are, the quicker your ideas and that which you want to experience come to you.

So, you call them miracles. We call it A course in miracles for a very, very good reason, because as you raise your frequency you are able to see that reflection in the world and in the relationships around you.

You will call it a miracle, you say: ‘gosh my mother-in-law is so much nicer to me now than she was last year.’ But what you have been doing is your forgiveness work. You have not been telling tales in your mind, you have not been watching those negative movies play out. You have been trying to be kind and you have been moving up the frequency ladder towards love more and more.
And so, the dream that you are engaged in your life, the relationships, all of the things that are around you, they will shift and change because the projector has changed and the projector is your mind.

But this fall season you are going to see much quicker reflections. So we want you to understand that the more inner work you do now  - and this is why we wanted to do this intensive teaching phase and we wanted it to be free so that as many people as possible could engage in it and sharing it and learn about the channeling Jesus community that this being has been guided to bring forth - this is why we want to do this intense teaching, learning opportunities, so that you would be faced with daily and double daily reminders to pay attention to where your mind is going, how you're feeling.
So, we want to emphasize that today, that you are going to reap what you sow.

So, if you are hating on political figures, stop it. You are going to get that same energy back. It will come back in a different form.
So you won't necessarily realize the direct correlation, but if you are admitting hate, you will receive hate, if you are admitting forgiveness, you will receive forgiveness. And it is so important for you to understand, going into these more intense times, as you are triggered more and more.
When you are triggered, that means that you are going into the ego mind, that means your tendency is to fight or flight or freeze, be aware of this when you're triggered. You are going to lash out at people. You are going to become more aggressive just like a corner damn animal is aggressive. Aggressive when it is in survival mode.
You must learn to step back from the world in the world but not of the world and that is why that teaching was brought forth so many years ago. Because if you are in the world but not of the world you understand that it's a reflection of the past and if you want to have a different future you must forgive the present moment.
So, in looking at the fires and looking at the riots, in looking at the lockdowns, look upon the world with forgiving eyes knowing that you are transforming your future by stepping above the battleground.

I am that one that you know Jesus and I will see you again later today.

vrijdag 27 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 7 -Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And there are Course in miracles-students that would say that I should not be talking about the universe, that I should not be talking about anything worldly because A course in miracles is about the world being unreal, it is about the world being an illusion, these kinds of ideas.

Now these things are ultimately true. It is ultimately true that you are one consciousness. You are the Sonship. You are the collective aspects of the one Mind. You are all absolutely one. But of course, that is not the experience you are having. You are stuck in seemingly separated bodies. You are having seemingly individual experiences. You have cantankerous (chagrijnig) people in your lives.

And what we are working towards here is bringing you information that is going to assist you, not only in your spiritual evolution, but in your human live as you are going through this difficult time.

So, there is an aspect of the accusation that would be considered true. You are living in an illusory world; you are living in a dreamlike state that is being generated by your consciousness. And this is so. But many of you find yourselves in difficult times, going through trials and tribulations on a purely human level at this time and we want to hold your hands as we lead you out of the darkness now.

If we come at you with too much esoteric information - we do come at you with some esoteric information - but if we come out with you with too much esoteric information, it's hard for many to translate that information into their daily lives.

And so, for those of you that, we will say, are hardcore Course in miracles-students - our dear one is a hard Course in miracle-student, but she has to put gas in her car and she has to earn a living and she has to deal with her body and all of these sorts of things - so it does not matter that you are hardcore Course in miracles-students. What we want you to understand is that there are decisions to be made as humans.
So that is what we are working on here. We are working on speaking a language you understand. Speaking with you on a compassionate level. Understanding what you're going through at the moment and yet also encouraging you to take the higher road, to think about love, to let down your defenses, to knowing that the words you speak are powerful. These are the trappings of 3D experience, 3D World.
Now you will hear near death experiences of beings who have a bad car accident, or some such thing, and they leave their bodies. Their consciousness leaves their body. They are aware that they are now pure consciousness, that they have set aside the body for a time. And many of those beings will have exceptional experiences of deep connection to all that is, being able to see loved ones around the planet, hearing what they're saying to the doctors or the medical people involved in their welfare, the welfare of their body, coming to understand profound principles about their life and what they have done and what got them to this place. Many, many experiences such as this. And these beings come back to share that story. They are temporarily in another dimension. They are temporarily experiencing pure love. They are experiencing the unity consciousness that is the truth. And they are wonderful, wonderful stories to listen to.

So, we would encourage you to listen to some near-death experiences over the next few days. There are many stories that are wonderful stories that will give you an idea of the world beyond the world that you inhabit.

So, as you go to sleep tonight you can ask for some dreams to help illuminate your oneness with your brothers and sisters. Ask for some dreams to help you understand where your blind spots are. You can ask for a dream to help you understand what is the next best thing for you to do in your life. You can ask all of these questions, because in these altered states of consciousness that are separated somewhat from the ego mind, which shuts down, these kinds of communications you can get more information.

So, become more interested in your dream life. Keep a dream journal and ask each night for your mind to be health and for you to be shown the truth.

So, we wish you sweet dreams this evening and we will be with all of you in your dream state and don't forget to ask to remember your dreams. And ask for the messages to be understandable, sometimes the symbology of dreams. And defining it when you wake up is a little difficult for you so ask for obvious dreams that you can understand and remember.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again in the morning.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 7 - Ochtendsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The escalation of the energies on your planet is a massive phenomenon and because you have not been told about it, because you have not been educated about it and anyone that tells you about it seems to be a little bit, we would say ‘woo, woo’, but it is called ‘the photon belt’ and it is an area of the universe that your planet has been through before and it has caused massive shifts in your societal structures before, none of which you have ever been taught about, none of which you have been educated about. They are left in the realms of mythology, tales of other civilizations, tales of epic heroes, tales of floods and these sorts of things.
Now we want you to understand that the photon belt is a highly charged area of the universe. You have been entering into it for several decades and that is why you have seen these revolutionary shifts and changes in your society over the last 50 years or so.

The effect of the photon belt on your society is increasing. So it's very much like heading into a cloud bank, first of all you see little wisps of cloud and then it gets denser and denser and then you're in the thick of it. So, we are heading into the thick of it.
And for all of you it is imperative that you understand that this is what is happening because otherwise you will not be taking this all very seriously. You will be thinking: ‘Oh, this is just a little blip on our radar, this is just a small shimmer of change in our society.
It is not, it is a large and permanent shift that is happening that can be for your benefit if you understand what to do.
The increased frequencies mean that you must increase your frequencies.

What are the ruling powers doing? They are decreasing your frequencies, keeping you out of the light, keeping you inside, keeping you separated, pumping you full of fear. They are intentionally trying to stop the elevation of frequency. This is like putting your foot on the gas and the brake at the same time.

The natural environment, the earth, air, water, birds, creatures, weather systems, sun, are all heading fast forward, foot on the gas and humanity is being shackled and is trying to be kept behind.

That is why there's so much force behind this seemingly, unrelated event, this pandemic. It is being used to implement restrictions in an effort to stop you evolving.

That is what it is all about. It is about stopping you evolving for a little while.

It cannot be stopped.

And for those of you that go into fear, for those of you that go into restriction and control, because you are listening to the mass media systems, that is you putting the brakes on a system that is fast forwarding. You see the smoking tires; you see the burnt-out engine. This is what will happen to humans who do not choose to raise their frequency, they will not do well.

We are not threatening you and we are not trying to frighten you. What we are saying is, is if you are hearing this message then you are in the frequency of this information, which means that you can use this information. If a person is not hearing this information, because they are tuned into the mass media systems, they are frightened, their conforming, that means that they are putting the brakes on themselves.

Remember that your free will is always at play, even when somebody seems to be overriding you. You can seek your own sovereignty in many, many ways. Most importantly of course, sovereignty in your own mind. Your mind is the place where manifestation is generated.

So, there may be people who are in lockdown situations where, if they go out of their door, they will be physically attacked by police officers. Those beings still have freedom of mind. They can still meditate. They can still use their mind creatively. They can connect with others creatively. They can imagine freedom. They can feel freedom. Because whenever you imagine free freedom, your body will feel freedom and you will be sending out the frequency of freedom and you will break free. You will manifest freedom.

But you have to understand that this is not a physical game. This is a metaphysical game. It means, you must understand the laws of creation. You must understand what is being done and why. And you must respond logically, calmly, lovingly, powerfully.

So, if you do not know what to do right now, you don't have enough information, let us say, if you are not motivated by higher purpose right now, meditate, look after your health, stop watching the fear porn, become well acquainted with your interior world and use this time of calm to envision what you want. Envision what you want. Envision what you know is good for you. Envision what you know is true for you.

Now some of you are going to have to make decisions over the coming months and years that will be difficult ones, but if you have primed your mind and heart with freedom, with abundance, with joy, with happiness, with collaboration, with community, all those things that are going to assist you, then you are going to bring those experiences to you.

Do not worry what is going on in 3D. Ignore reality, unless you are motivated to go out in on demonstrations and feel that is the highest good, then do that. Do whatever feels right for you.

And there are many, many people who will not listen to this. They will not believe this. They will not come have any understanding of this because they are too deeply mired in this spell that has been cast over the minds of many.

You must demonstrate your freedom. You must demonstrate your sovereignty. And trust us, those around you, even if they don't agree with. You will begin to see you doing something different and they will feel that you are doing something different and you will have an effect.

Sometimes you must plant a thousand seats for one seed to germinate.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again later.

donderdag 26 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 6 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one you know as Jesus.

And as you are travelling these days with our advice ringing in your ears, we want you to remember that being relaxed is a very important thing. We mention it often, because in your training programs you have always been taught that everything should be hard work and everything should be stressful. And if you are not going 90 miles/hour then you are not making any progress.
What we want you to understand in this time and place is that your upgrades are happening very, very quickly coming from the universal energy force that you would call God. There is an escalating energy that is permeating everything on your planet. The insanity that you are seeing, being exhibited by many, is a consequence of a sudden shift in consciousness that brings about anger, that brings about an inability to handle the emotions. It is called ascension madness and it is the direct result of agitation, literally and figuratively. The increasing speed of light that is bombarding your planet at this time is having an effect on your minds.  And your minds are having an effect on your planet.

So, it is one of those chicken and eggs scenarios which you don’t really know which one is coming first, but the fact of the matter is, is that people are going to have increasingly difficult times to managing their emotions, especially if they are untrained.
So for those of you who are following along on our 40 days and 40 nights, again, when you look at the world and you see crazy things happening we want you to understand that some of it is a symptom of this increasing energy.

So, as we say, the slower you go, the more you can integrate these increasing frequencies and information, because you are getting a lot of information coming at you.
The slower you get, the more you spend time in nature, drinking lots of water, relaxing, soothing yourselves, the more you can do that, the better because the upgrades are coming fast and furious. And the upgrades mean that whatever is in you that is unloving is going to come to the surface.

So, you don’t want to push yourselves hard, you don’t want to be pushing yourselves into stressful situations unless is it absolutely warranted. And the truth of the matter is a lot of you do not need to do that to yourselves right now because of these new rules on your planet, there is a paradoxical aspect to these lockdowns and to these slower aspects of society – not everything is up and running as fast as it normally is. You are getting some time off, some time out, some down time.
Take advantage of it if you are having that opportunity. Take advantage of it, knowing that you will need to be active again soon enough. You will need to be rested again soon enough. There will be many opportunities for you to experience more excitement, more intensity. Some of them which you won’t be looking forward, some of them you want enjoy.

So, if you are having the ability to chill out for a while, chill out for a while. Enjoy it, meditate, drink lots of water, don’t binge on food or alcohol as a means of repressing and controlling your feelings. Allow your feelings to surface.
So one’s again, as we come at the end of this day, we ask you to dedicate your night time to allowing us to work with your consciousness and give you the information that you need. We are working with all of you that are participating in this 40 days and 40 nights and we want you to understand that sharing these video’s is very, very important and a great gift to your fellow humans.
As we has said before, some of you will feel embarrassed that you are watching this, some of you will not want your families and friends to know but we are bringing this information forth so that as many people as possible get the information.
So put your pride aside and share this video. And when you go to sleep tonight, dedicate tonight to expansion of consciousness and having revealed to you through your dreams that which you need to see.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I see you in the morning.

Channeling Jezus # Dag 6 - Ochtendsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And information that is coming your way from mainstream media at this time is always distressing. It is always distressing, and it is designed to be so. What we want you to understand today is that over the next few months you are going to see a lot of negative news coming across the bandwidths of your television and your computers and it's very important for you to look at it with calmness and not become overly involved in.

Now what happens with most people, because they have not been taught how the mind works, they will see something on the news, let us say, lots of fires in the western United States and they will immediately put themselves into that position in their minds and they will begin to feel fear or they will begin to feel bad for those beings that are being affected by these incredible events.

Now what we want you to understand is that if you start to feel bad because of what's happening you have slipped down into the battlefield and now your energy is not your own, it is belonging to the negative system.

What we would like you to do when you see the events that are going to be broadcast over the next little while, what we would like you to do is intentionally focus your mind on love and healing instead of ringing your hands and thinking ‘it's a terrible thing, these people have lost their homes, these animals have lost their homes’, and feeling awful.
This is what you have been taught and primed to do. You have been told that this is what love looks like. In fact, it is not what love looks like, it is jumping into the suffering of others voluntarily. There will be a part of you that, when you hear me say this, will think: ‘Oh, this cannot be Jesus. He would never ask me not to feel sympathy for others.’
But that is not what we are saying. What we are saying is that there is a profound lack of love on your planet. And the destruction, and the orchestration of that destruction, lacks love.
So, the only solution to that is a high frequency bombardment with love. So when you see these images or when you hear about riots in certain towns or these kinds of things, what we want you to understand is that your loving contribution will be a moment of peaceful and intentional sending of love to those people, places and experiences.

This is not something that you are necessarily trained to do. The mass media systems like to milk your energy systems, bombarding you with negatives, bombarding you with fear, pushing down your frequency into the realms of the battleground where it can be used.

These dark systems use energy just as light systems use energy.  Love and healing and connection to the divine, so to do dark systems. These are, however, deeply ensconced (verdekt opgesteld) in the dualistic realm. And you can raise yourself above the dualistic realm by prayer, focused intention of the mind, your forgiveness practice, which is in this case looking at the world and saying: ‘this is the egos playground. Of course, itis going to look like a disaster. This is the egos playground; I will not join in and be harvested in that sense. My energy will not be harvested in that sense.’

So, when we speak about this being a place of separation and the default setting being not love, that is why the world looks the way it does. It has also been pushed further and further towards separation over the last few decades, intentionally using your movies and media systems.

So, if you look back over the last couple of years, what you will notice is that on the news there is one crisis after another. There are fires in Australia. Then there are the global warming fears. Then there are financial fears. And then there are disasters hither and on. One after the other, one after the other. And you forget because you are being manipulated.

So for all of you that are still watching the news - and we would recommend that you do not watch the news, but it is very much egos playground, your ego likes to look at the news. Why? Because it feeds on fear and separation and disaster and attack. That is what the ego likes, it is part of the separation experience.
So when you indulged in looking at these disasters, repeatedly going to your media systems to see what's happening how many people have died, we say that the ego is obsessed with death, it is its friend and that is why many beings are tuning in to mass media systems constantly. ‘How many people died today, what disaster is happening today, …’
That means that you are in your ego and you are being manipulated by that ego. You must use your free will to say: ‘no more’. You must use your free will to say: ‘I choose love, no matter what the movie is playing out on that screen’, because the movie on the egos movie screen is always disaster, always death, always mayhem (chaos). And if you keep watching it, you will be dragged down into the battleground. We must emphasize that you must choose with your free will to look at the good, to look at the lovely, to invest your time and focus into that which is healing and beautiful.

There are some beings who are assigned the task of looking at the current situation and translating it into spiritual teachings, but 99% of you do not need to be looking at this. You do not need to be diving down into the dirt with other egos.

So, we challenge you today to prepare a for no disaster watching, no disaster watching allowed, no disaster watching permitted in the loving mind. It causes you to suffer. It does not necessarily cause you to suffer the moment we're doing it, but it takes you down in frequency and if you do it repeatedly it will continue to take you down and down and down and then you will have negative experiences not associating it with what you have been watching, not associated with it at all.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again later.

woensdag 25 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 5 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And as you walk through these days and evenings with us, we want you to take notes on the suggestions that we make, we want you to pay attention to what comes up for you each day.

When you step onto the spiritual path in a very focused way, one of the things that we want you to understand is that you do not have to go digging around for problems. Your problems will let themselves be known by your feelings. Your triggers will reveal themselves. And so, what we want you to do is to relax into each day and relax into each evening as you prepare yourself for bed. We want you to take a little inventory of what happened today. Did you get upset at anybody? Did you get upset at yourself? What was the feeling of the day? Was it relaxed and happy or was it anxious and stressful? Your guidance system is impeccable, as we always tell you. And so, if you have had a difficult day, if you have had a challenging day, it means that your beliefs are being triggered and they're coming to the surface for you to look at them. Have you been afraid of have you had financial fear, have you had a confrontation with a loved one? When these sorts of things happen, you are having your inner belief structure revealed to you and so, even if it wasn't a good day, you are getting information about where you are off track a little bit.

So when you have had a relaxing, a good day, what we want you to know is that you are on track, you are using your guidance system correctly, you are doing things that you are enjoying, you are doing things that you love, you are hanging out with people who are on the same vibration as you.

So, trusting in life, really is one of the things that we want you to think about this evening so that, in preparation for tomorrow, you have this idea as you go to bed. You can trust in life to bring you the next lesson that you need to pay attention to and it will come to you in the form of a small upset or a big upset, mostly they are small upsets. They are upsets about money, they are upsets about the way someone's talking to you, they are upsets about traffic or lineups, these kinds of things. You can trust in life even tough, in these strange times, life seems to be taking you down a detour that you weren't anticipating. On that detour you are going to have brought to the surface of your mind that which is unloving and that is always a good thing. If you are having a peaceful, happy, quiet day, enjoy that day. Do not feel guilty. Do not think that you are missing out on spiritual growth. No, you are having a quiet and beautiful day. That is what spiritual practice is designed to bring you. But this is an evolutionary time and many of you are going to have challenging days. Days where you are worried about the future perhaps. This is a lesson for you. Don't go to far into the future these days, stay in presence, listening to intuition, guidance, ideas, relaxing, enjoying yourself when you are evolving. What that means is that you are going to adapt to new circumstances. If you think about the theories behind evolution, well there are certain birds that have developed certain beaks for the certain flowers that are in that area around them and it helps them to seeds or suck the nectar or whatever they're doing with it. There is a specific adaptation that that creature has developed for their environment.

What has happened to humans is that you have been put into unnatural environments and you have been adapting to them. You have been adapting to them because they are very powerful environments. We are talking about things like technology or television or the education system. And when you adapt to man-made environments, you are in fact going to go off track a little bit because man-made environments are, by their nature, ego driven, even though the original idea could have been very creative, they are generally coercive nature. So, you have been used to being coerced, you are not used to relaxing, you are not used to going with the flow, you are not used to drifting happily downstream. If you look at nature, if you look at birds, for example, or rabbits or animals in the wild. They are not laboring. Horses in the wild are not strapped to carts and bitted up and tacked up and made to do things. They run free, seeking what they need as they need it and have their own hierarchies, their own social structure. But working and laboring and struggling is not something they do. Seagulls do not work and labor and struggle. They are opportunistic feeders. They find someone eating French fries at the beach or they grab a starfish and feel full for a few days.
Go to nature and watch what nature does. It ebbs and flows like the tides and the seasons, it is slow and steady, it is not abrupt and angry. There are unusual weather circumstances that are often generated by humans, believe it or not, things like hurricanes and tornadoes, but generally speaking nature is calm and slow and steady and that is what we want you to take to bed tonight.

Tomorrow - slow and steady wins the race - begin to relax a bit more, even though you are being vigilant for your thoughts and beliefs and negativities being activated. Between those moments, take advantage of the relaxation feeling, listen to your favorite music, make sure that you are preparing foods that are healthy and delicious and that you are excited about eating. No just slap together an old salami sandwich and say that will do. No, pick up some lovely fruits and vegetables from the store and make yourself a beautiful salad and relish that which you have. Gratitude, slow and steady evolution, vigilance for God, vigilance for loving ideas and thoughts, but overall a calm demeanor.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again in the morning. Sweet dreams.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 5 - Ochtendsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And your relationship with health and sickness, death and life need to be addressed here. You are an eternal spiritual being. That means that your consciousness lives on forever. You were before this body and you will be after this body. When you are in your pre-birth state you orchestrate an organize the blueprint for your life with your guides and teachers. Often you will want to experience something, and your guides and teachers will say: ‘You actually aren't ready for that yet evolutionarily speaking, we are going to suggest that you do this instead’. They may say: ‘We would like you to do this in this incarnation because of these particular shortcomings that you've experienced in other incarnations’, and you will say: ‘Oh no, that is too frightening for me, I can't do that’, and then they will say: ‘Well how about we do it in a small way, how about we give you a small taste of that thing that frightens you and further down in your life will give you another taste and overtime you will become acclimated to that which you need to learn.’ And you will agree or disagree eventually. You will come up with a plan for this incarnation that gives you all of the experiences, connections, people, places, things that you will benefit from in your evolutionary journey.

Now what happens to free will with these things. Well you have free will when you are orchestrating these things. Many of you use your free will from the higher self, the self that is not overly encumbered by the ego, to choose experiences and events that will benefit your spiritual evolution. Some of these may even be things like car accidents or sicknesses or crises. So, when you're in your ego mind, once you come into separation, once you come into an embodied state and the veil of forgetting takes over, then you are in the ego state. You are in the truly separated mind. But you always have the invisible umbilical cord connection to wisdom, to your guides and teachers, to the understanding of that blueprint. The blueprint will speak to you through interest, desires, curiosities. You will always want to go towards that which is in your blueprint. This may even be beings who are, what your ego would considered, bad for you or difficult to handle because in your blueprint they have been assigned the task of challenging your beliefs or pushing you into a direction that you find difficult to handle.

So, for example you may be quite passive in your demeanor and you will have in your blueprint somebody coming into your life who is a little bit of a bully. Well in the sacred contract that you came into being having signed, you knew, on a higher level, that these beings were going to come to ‘harass’ you. But what the bully is asking of you is to stand up into your power. What the bully is asking of you is to be stronger because that is a weakness you have had in other incarnations and you have set up a situation where you have felt, and your guides and teachers have felt, that this being will cause you to stand up stronger than is your natural tendency.

This is what is happening in this incarnation for many of you. Many of you have had a multitude of incarnations where you have been dominated or bullied. You have not managed to stand up to those perpetrators and as this is the end of a spiritual season - which is we will go into in some other transmission - but this is the end of a spiritual season. You are having, you are being given the opportunity to remedy many things from many incarnations because final decisions are being made about whether or not you are going to graduate.
Now anyone who is in the ego mind will feel fear at this idea of graduation. It is a ripening, it is a harvest, it is the ascension process. You are all being given an opportunity to release those things from your mind which are unloving. But they are in your mind residing, in your mind living, in your mind fed by your behaviors and your habits, because they are old friends, they are dear friends from other incarnations. And so, this lifetime, this particular generation, is being offered an opportunity to stand in their power, to become sovereign beings once again and to refuse to bow down to the bully.

So, this is what you are being given. The opportunity to play out in this end of season game. The end of season is the reason, the end of the spiritual season is the reason you are seeing such forceful implementation of draconian measures because there is a knowing within the hearts and minds of those who are - we will say - on the dark side of the Yin and Yang symbol. This is a place of relativity, this 3 dimensional experience that you're having, it is a place of separation, and when you think of the Yin and Yang symbol you will see that there is a dark shape and a light shape that together become one. And that is what you must remember. And yet in the dark shape there is a little tiny dot of white and in the white shape there is a little tiny dot of dark. Together there is oneness and that is what you must come to see here. There is a game that is being played out between the dark and the light that requires opposition because it is a dualistic time and place.

You, however, can rise above the dualistic time and place, but you must accept what is happening within dualism and not be bold over by it. And this is what is happening. To many of you are going into fear. Many of you are predicting terrible and dire futures. But what is actually happening is you are being given the opportunity to take back your sovereignty. And what this means is that you must to graduate this 3D experience, this end of season, we will say graduation examination. You must own your own power, you must own your own ability to create, you must master yourselves.

So, throughout history, many masters have come back, bodhisattvas, to teach you, to bring forth information, to help you master your own minds and, consequently, your own bodies. You do not master your bodies. You master your mind and the body follow along behind. The body is neutral. It only ever does what you tell it, consciously and subconsciously. So many of you who will have bodies that seem to be betraying you. They are not betraying you, they are responding to subconscious or unconscious beliefs that you hold about yourself, about your body, about health, about your value, about love, all of these subjects.

So, this is why A course in miracles is so important at this time. It was designed to help you through this time. 50 or so years ago, this book was brought into being for the galactic acceleration, which is what is happening at this time. You cannot graduate from this course - this course being this end of season challenge that you are being offered - you cannot graduate from this course if you are sucked down into fear and duality and into the battle ground. You must be wise enough and educated enough to pursue heaven on earth. You must be wise enough and educated enough to collaborate with your families and friends to support and support and love each other. You must be wise and educated enough to understand that you are sovereign, and you are powerful. This is the lesson that we are here to teach you in these 40 days and 40 nights, and we will repeat it incessantly because you have been brainwashed. Incessantly you have been brainwashed. Incessantly into believing that your bodies are your enemies or your gods. They are neither. They are neutral devices for communication that will follow along a healthy mind. So if you want to be healthy, live long and prosper, master your mind, listen to our teachings as we go through them over the next few weeks and you will begin to become stronger, more fierce, more loving, more generous, less malleable and determined to live a life of joy and happiness.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again later today.

dinsdag 24 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 4 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And your journey today has been a good one. Many of you are paying more attention to your feelings.
You are paying more attention to your repetitive thoughts and some of you may even be realizing that you actually do not know what's going on inside you most of the time.

When you do not know what is going on inside of you most of the time, you are essentially praying for random things. Each thought is a prayer, and a repetitive thought is a repetitive prayer.
So if you are constantly thinking ‘I don't have enough money, I'm not going to have rent this month’, ‘I don't have enough money, I'm not going to have rent this month’, you will manifest that. You will manifest that scarcity and it will frighten you. And it will, because you do not know how the mind works. You will keep repeating that phrase.
The truth is your life is infinitely variable. But many of you get stuck in ruts because you think the same things over and, over, and over again. You worry about the same things over and, over, and over, again and you have the same thoughts about people over and, over, and over again. And so, you say ‘I'm stuck in a rut, I can't seem to change my life’. But it is because you have not changed your mind.

So, this is for those of you that want to change your life. Do the things that we suggest. Do the lessons of A course in miracles. Do your forgiveness practice which you will learn as you go along and as you study the material that we bring forth. The idea of forgiveness is that you are not a victim of the world you see; that you are in fact the co-creator of the world you see.
So, in attacking the world, you are in fact attacking your own mind.

It seems to be separate from you, playing out on the screen in front of you, but in actual fact it is playing out within your mind. So, as you go through your days, you are experiencing your own consciousness.
You have been taught that you are experiencing an objective reality, an objective world, but what you are in fact experiencing is your own consciousness washing over you every day in the form of feelings, desires, judgments and all of these internal processes and yet you think it is happening out there.
It is not. It is happening in here and in here (wijst het hart en het hoofd aan). What most of you have been trained out of is following your feelings and your feelings - unfortunately when you have many, many beliefs that are untrue residing in the mind - your feelings are often inaccurate.

And one of the things that A course in miracles lessons is, is a clarification process. It is a clarification process to remove many of the ideas that cause you fear, to get you thinking in a more accurate way and to get you in alignment with more loving thoughts. And at the end of the year of doing A course in miracles lessons you will be able to see what you are doing.
It does not prevent total suffering. What it does do is, it gives you an inkling into why you are suffering and how to prevent it.

When you are tired of suffering what do you do? When you are tired of suffering you have a good stiff drink. When you are tired of suffering you go to the mall. When you are tired of suffering you say: ‘I want to watch something on television because I don't want to be in my mind anymore’. The trouble with all of these solutions is that as soon as you stop them, then you begin to suffer again and again and again, and it becomes this endless cycle of a meaningless life. Suffering, avoiding suffering, suffering, avoiding suffering. This is what many of you get into when you are in the workaday world. You get jobs that you aren't that interested in or better not that much fun. You spend 8 hours at them,  two hours commuting, you come home, you're tired, you have a drink, you watch some TV, you fall into bed, you have dreams, perhaps you don't remember them, perhaps you do and you get up in the morning and you start it all over again and then Friday night and you are very stressed out. You are very tired, you haven't had much of a joyful week and so you buy a bottle of wine or a bottle of vodka or you go out and drink too much with your friends and you wake up on a Saturday morning, hungover, barely get through the day, perhaps do it again on Saturday night. You are not investing in yourself wisely. You are not investing in your health; you are not investing in anything that is going to bring you goodness. And why? Because of the suffering. The suffering is what causes you to turn to those substances in these behaviors.

But once you begin to awaken  - and that is what is happening now on this planet because of the isolation that many of you've been through, many of you have lost your jobs, many of you are unable to work in the way that you normally work - you are beginning to realize that you actually didn't like your job or you're beginning to realize that you need to change your lifestyle. You do not like living where you live and how you live right now. Especially if there is another lockdown coming, especially if there are restrictions that are going to be seemingly permanently housed in your unelected rule makers minds. Yes, many of you are being controlled by those who were not elected. Many of you are beginning to realize that you do not live in a democracy at all, that that is an illusion and so what is happening for many of you is the shattering of your illusions. You are beginning to see the truth of who is ruling your world, how they are ruling it and what the end game is.

So, for many of you this is a very stressful time because those things that you have believed in all your life, are beginning to disappear. But you cannot change the world by yourself unless you begin in the mind. Yes, you can have organizations of protests. Yes, you can get together on Facebook groups and lament the situation, but the truth of the matter is you will not change the external world until you change the internal world. But you must first allow yourself to suffer. But you must first stop yourself medicating your suffering and you must feel with your suffering. Why? Because pain is designed to get you moving. There are beings who do not feel pain in their nervous system and they go blind because they poke things in their eyes all the time. They get infections because they stand on sharp objects and cannot feel them. They burn themselves. They have a very difficult time of it because pain means move away from something, make a different choice. If your pain is emotional pain or mental pain, mental suffering and you are medicating it, you will not move away from that which is causing it. And when you actually give up your medications of alcohol or movies or whatever it is that you're using to soothe yourself, you will realize that all of the suffering is actually taking place in your mind. It is your thoughts about your job. It is your internal discussions about the relative that you despise. It is inside of you. Your jealousy is inside of you, your anger is inside of you. All of these things are inside of you.

So, it is there that we take you. It is there that we ask you to go. And so, this evening, as you wind down before bed, we would like you to turn off any devices for an hour before bed. We would like you to have a warm shower or a warm bath or a cool shower or cool bath depending on the temperature that you are dealing with. We would like you to put some nice cream on your hands, in your face. Get yourself ready for bed in a soothing and kind way and hop into bed and sit there and feel what you feel about your life right now. Honestly. Drug free, alcohol free, program free, phone free, computer free. We'd like you to sit there in your bed for about half an hour, 45 minutes and just review what your life is actually like and ask yourself: ‘is this OK? Am I happy with this? Am I truly happy with this or are there some things that I need to change?’ And when you have done that review, we would like you to write down a few things in the beautiful Journal that you have bought yourself for this project. Perhaps you have said to yourself: ‘I would like to move closer to the beach’ or ‘I would like to move somewhere that's not so hot’. Perhaps you have said: ‘I would like to find a partner.’ Perhaps you have said: ‘I would like to become single.’ Perhaps you have said: ‘I need to change my job. I don't like what I'm doing.’ Or perhaps you have said: ‘I need to find a job. I have no job.’ It doesn't matter. Perhaps you have said all of those things. But what we want you to do is to actually feel what it feels like to look at something and say: ‘I would like to change this now.’ The irony of all of this is that, when you are accepting of what it is, you truly see it for the first time. When you are in denial of what it is, you won't look at it. When you are in resistance to what is, you are pushing away the lesson in it, you are pushing away the information that this experience has for you. But when you sit in acceptance, then you feel what you're meant to feel, and you come to understand what you're meant to understand.

So tonight, we want you to accept that your life looks the way it does, and we'd like you to accept that there are certain things you'd like to change. But in spite of that we would like you to go to bed with your nightly prayer of allowing us to influence your consciousness so that we may teach you during the sleeping hours. We want you to go to bed happy, saying: ‘I see what I have created, and I see what I have miss created and I am the creator. I am the mis-creator. I will be able to shift and change my consciousness so that I will be able to manifest exactly what I want to manifest.

I am that one that you know is Jesus and I'll see you again tomorrow morning.

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 4 - Ochtendsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And I have a lot to say do not worry, dear one. There is always more and more and more. Your journey here is an interesting one, as we say each day, and we want you to understand that your job is not to solve the problems of the world. This is something that many of you are feeling as a burden upon your shoulders now. ‘What can I do to save the planet?’

Well what we want you to understand - and this is going to be very challenging for some of you - is that the world arises from within you. So if you start trying to change the outside world without changing the inside world you are wasting your time, as our dear one says: ‘It's like moving the chairs around on the Titanic. You need to change the direction of the ship not the chairs’.

So when you are rallying behind causes - and we want you to understand that we are not saying that you should not rally behind things that you believe in - but what we want you to do is not fight against that which you don't want, but fight for that which you do want, because energy given to, in resistance, to what you don't want, is energy given to the system (that you don't want). You are not investing your tremendous creative powers and co-creative powers - the powers that you exert when you gather together to bring into being something you do want, you are wasting those powers and co-creative powers on the very system that you hate. And so, this is a fundamental law of creation that you must understand if you want to change the world. The phrase ‘be the change that you want to see in the world’ begins that process. If you want a kinder more loving world, be kinder and more loving. But for most of you that is not enough. You feel that you are kind and loving. But A course in miracles-practice will take you deep in your mind, it will take you into areas of thought and in a conversation, that you have never bothered to go into, or you have never valued because you think it's secret. You think that if you have a thought ‘I don't love myself’ or ‘I don't like myself’ or ‘I'm stupid’, you say these self-derogatory things all the time in your own minds, you think that they are not powerful. They are as powerful as saying that out loud to somebody else. You would never say that out loud to somebody else. You would never look at someone and say: ‘I think you're stupid and I think you're ugly.’ But many of you say it to yourselves, believing that, on some level, it is harmless because it is secreted away inside your mind. But what we want you to know here is that the material physical world that you see, your society, your culture, your families, your work, every single one of those things began as an idea of thought in the mind. It became physically manifested because you kept investing in it and when you keep investing in things like ‘I am unworthy’, you will manifest in front of you beings and systems that treat you as if you are unworthy.

So, we are talking here about this insidious inner voice that is constantly judging and attacking you. That exists within your mind because of the training that you have had. It can begin with parents who are critical or unloving or judgmental. It then goes into school systems that tell you that you are stupid because you got a ‘D’ or that you must conform to be considered good.

This is a fundamental teaching of your society. You must conform to be considered good when you are six years old and seven years old and made to line up behind the classmates. And you have to get up and down according to bells and you're never allowed to say anything in disagreement with the teacher. Years and years and years of this kind of training have led you to become beings who are afraid to speak up.

So, we want you to understand this. We want you to understand that you must retrain yourselves into believing that your good regardless of your conformity. And this is what this entire situation in which you find yourself today, is reflecting back to you, it is showing you    and some people are astonished at how compliant people are  … we are not astonished at all, we are not astonished at all because, we know what goes on in your minds. We know what goes on behind the scenes of your social face and so we want you to begin to address that today, the inner thoughts that you have.

Now those of you that have been A course in miracle- students for some time have been doing this.     But we want you to double down on your practice today, we want you to double down on your practice of these unloving ideas and thoughts that you entertain about yourself or others in your mind. Whenever you're walking along the street and you look at someone and you judge them ‘they are too fat, they are too thin, they are too beautiful, they are showing off their money, they shouldn't be going out with that person, he's to this, she is to that, …’,  stop yourself and turn it around in your mind immediately and say: ‘We are all valuable in the eyes of God, every single one of us, regardless of how much money we have or how we appear.’ You must begin to stop these unconscious judgments and bring forth a more loving demeanor within your own heart and mind. This is not about showing off for others how great you are, this is about calling yourself out on your own hatefulness.

Some of you have who not done A course in miracles will say: ‘I am not hateful, I never do things like that.’ But we challenge you today to pay attention to your inner dialogue, pay attention to what you say to yourself in the mirror, pay attention to yourself, pay attention to what you say to yourself, when you're getting dressed, pay attention to what you say to yourself as you head off for work, pay attention, pay attention, pay attention. These are not secret thoughts. They are emitting a frequency of unlovingness that will return to you a thousand-fold. Your universe reflects back to you that what you are doing and this is where this idea of ‘bad things happening to good people’ and good people being very, very confused. They help charities, they help little old ladies across the road, they are kind and generous to other people, but their internal dialogue is hateful and they do not understand how creative it is, how pervasive it is and how powerful it is.

So that is your assignment this morning, to listen to your inner dialogue today and stop yourself the second you hear something unloving in your mind, turn it around and say the opposite as if it's true. It will eventually become true for you. But today it will feel perhaps like a lie. But stop and listen to those inner voices. They are the ones that are miscreating unconsciously out in the world in front of you.

I am that one that you know Jesus and I'll speak to you again later today.

I apologize for the little loop that was my friend messaging me on Skype. I forgot to turn my Wi-Fi off. So lesson learned Wi-Fi is off tomorrow. Thank you for joining me today and I'm going to be vigilant for any unloving thoughts I have today and I encourage you to do the same.  I would like to make one mention here today as Jesus kept his transmission pretty short. I do have a new book available on Amazon. It is called ‘A year of forgiveness’ and it is an illustrated compendium of all of the transcriptions of the Jesus commentaries from last year. It is available right now on a kindle format full color, kindle format if you want to have it digitally. Come late October it will be available in hardcopy and I'm very excited about hardcopy because it's an officially sanctioned companion text to a course in miracles and it has what I always wanted which is gold edges on the book. So that's my, the gift that my publisher gave me.  I said to her I wanted gold edges on the book and she agreed. So I would really love your support for my publisher. She has been an amazing support for me through the years. She took me on as a completely unknown author and she has brought thousands and thousands of these books into the world for everyone to have. So please consider purchasing that book either in kindle format which you can do now or in hardcopy which will come out at the end of October. I really thank you for your support.  I'll see you later today bye


I am that one you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again later today.