zaterdag 28 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 8 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The memories that you have of your childhood, the memories that you have of your life, the memories that you have of your family are things that you are going to be need addressed now in these days of transformation and ascension.

When you are attached to the past you are destined to repeat it. It is an interesting part of the creative process that when you are constantly referring to the past, you are contaminating the present moment where a new future can be created.
As you are going through this autumn season it is very important for you not to lament the loss of the old. The world is changing, the world is transforming and all of you need to learn how to manage your minds more easily and more appropriately. This means that if you're remembering things it is because they either are negatives, you don't want to have them happen again, in which case the remembering brings that frequency into the present moment and is going to cause it to be repeated. If you remember something fondly, because you miss it, it was a good thing, you wish you had it now, you are lowering your frequency by implying that the present is not as good as the past. The only memories that you should be entertaining are ones that fill you with joy, ones that you would love to repeat. So high frequency events that would be a wonderful addition to your future.

Now many of you, in this modern world, have been taught to ruminate on the past, ruminate on the sins that have been committed against you, talk about the pains that you have gone through. This is a normal aspect of traditional psychotherapy and we want you to cease and desist that.

Many of you are identified with the past to such degree that you are re-victimizing yourselves over, and over again.

Why are we mentioning this? Well we're mentioning this because this is a time of very, very fast manifestation and if you are in a negative past trauma loop, where you keep remembering bad things, you are going to experience them again more quickly. What we need you all to be clear on now is that it's time to focus on what you want, it's time to focus on the world you would like to see. The distractions of the present, in terms of disasters, it is very important that you ignore them right now.

Now many of you will say: ‘we can't ignore them, the trees are burning, the riots are in the streets, the covid thing is happening, this present moment is turning out to be quite a disaster’. Well, all of these present situations have been harvested and manufactured from past low frequency thoughts, beliefs, ideas, behaviors. The only way you are going to change them is to stop looking at them as if they are wrong.

Now what do we mean by this? When you look at something that is happening and resist it or refuse to accept it, you are saying that it shouldn't have happened. Well it has happened. Resisting what is, is pointless, it has already come into manifestation.

So when you look at riots on the streets or you look at the loss of your freedoms, what you want to do is you want to look at it and say: ‘this is unwanted, but it is happening, so I'm not going to get angry at it, I'm not going to resist it, I'm not going to fight it, I am going to pivot and turn and look at what I want’. So, if you have lost freedoms, in your imagination, we want you going to feeling free.

So, for example, you are living in a city apartment and you are being locked down and you can feel those restrictions coming, we would like you to envision in your mind where you would like to be: ‘Ah, I would like to have that beautiful beach house that I've always dreamed off, I'd like to see myself walking freely along the beach without a mask on’. That is what we want you to think about, we want you to feel what it would feel like to have what you want. This is how this period of manifestation is going to work. The more of you that are envisioning freedom, the more of you that are envisioning peace, the more of you that are envisioning love in this moment, that is what is going to begin to manifest. All of these negativities have become manifested because of the war movies that you watch and the contagion movies that you watch and the resentments that you have of the past, the unforgiveness.

So now is the time to be disciplined. As you go into your sleep time, we would like you to lay there in bed, 10 minutes before you go to sleep, envisioning your freedom, envisioning a peaceful world, envisioning happiness and prosperity for all. The more of you that do it, the more that it is going to come into being. It will come into being for those of you that are dedicated to manifesting that beautiful world.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again tomorrow.

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