dinsdag 24 november 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 4 - Avondsessie van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

And your journey today has been a good one. Many of you are paying more attention to your feelings.
You are paying more attention to your repetitive thoughts and some of you may even be realizing that you actually do not know what's going on inside you most of the time.

When you do not know what is going on inside of you most of the time, you are essentially praying for random things. Each thought is a prayer, and a repetitive thought is a repetitive prayer.
So if you are constantly thinking ‘I don't have enough money, I'm not going to have rent this month’, ‘I don't have enough money, I'm not going to have rent this month’, you will manifest that. You will manifest that scarcity and it will frighten you. And it will, because you do not know how the mind works. You will keep repeating that phrase.
The truth is your life is infinitely variable. But many of you get stuck in ruts because you think the same things over and, over, and over again. You worry about the same things over and, over, and over, again and you have the same thoughts about people over and, over, and over again. And so, you say ‘I'm stuck in a rut, I can't seem to change my life’. But it is because you have not changed your mind.

So, this is for those of you that want to change your life. Do the things that we suggest. Do the lessons of A course in miracles. Do your forgiveness practice which you will learn as you go along and as you study the material that we bring forth. The idea of forgiveness is that you are not a victim of the world you see; that you are in fact the co-creator of the world you see.
So, in attacking the world, you are in fact attacking your own mind.

It seems to be separate from you, playing out on the screen in front of you, but in actual fact it is playing out within your mind. So, as you go through your days, you are experiencing your own consciousness.
You have been taught that you are experiencing an objective reality, an objective world, but what you are in fact experiencing is your own consciousness washing over you every day in the form of feelings, desires, judgments and all of these internal processes and yet you think it is happening out there.
It is not. It is happening in here and in here (wijst het hart en het hoofd aan). What most of you have been trained out of is following your feelings and your feelings - unfortunately when you have many, many beliefs that are untrue residing in the mind - your feelings are often inaccurate.

And one of the things that A course in miracles lessons is, is a clarification process. It is a clarification process to remove many of the ideas that cause you fear, to get you thinking in a more accurate way and to get you in alignment with more loving thoughts. And at the end of the year of doing A course in miracles lessons you will be able to see what you are doing.
It does not prevent total suffering. What it does do is, it gives you an inkling into why you are suffering and how to prevent it.

When you are tired of suffering what do you do? When you are tired of suffering you have a good stiff drink. When you are tired of suffering you go to the mall. When you are tired of suffering you say: ‘I want to watch something on television because I don't want to be in my mind anymore’. The trouble with all of these solutions is that as soon as you stop them, then you begin to suffer again and again and again, and it becomes this endless cycle of a meaningless life. Suffering, avoiding suffering, suffering, avoiding suffering. This is what many of you get into when you are in the workaday world. You get jobs that you aren't that interested in or better not that much fun. You spend 8 hours at them,  two hours commuting, you come home, you're tired, you have a drink, you watch some TV, you fall into bed, you have dreams, perhaps you don't remember them, perhaps you do and you get up in the morning and you start it all over again and then Friday night and you are very stressed out. You are very tired, you haven't had much of a joyful week and so you buy a bottle of wine or a bottle of vodka or you go out and drink too much with your friends and you wake up on a Saturday morning, hungover, barely get through the day, perhaps do it again on Saturday night. You are not investing in yourself wisely. You are not investing in your health; you are not investing in anything that is going to bring you goodness. And why? Because of the suffering. The suffering is what causes you to turn to those substances in these behaviors.

But once you begin to awaken  - and that is what is happening now on this planet because of the isolation that many of you've been through, many of you have lost your jobs, many of you are unable to work in the way that you normally work - you are beginning to realize that you actually didn't like your job or you're beginning to realize that you need to change your lifestyle. You do not like living where you live and how you live right now. Especially if there is another lockdown coming, especially if there are restrictions that are going to be seemingly permanently housed in your unelected rule makers minds. Yes, many of you are being controlled by those who were not elected. Many of you are beginning to realize that you do not live in a democracy at all, that that is an illusion and so what is happening for many of you is the shattering of your illusions. You are beginning to see the truth of who is ruling your world, how they are ruling it and what the end game is.

So, for many of you this is a very stressful time because those things that you have believed in all your life, are beginning to disappear. But you cannot change the world by yourself unless you begin in the mind. Yes, you can have organizations of protests. Yes, you can get together on Facebook groups and lament the situation, but the truth of the matter is you will not change the external world until you change the internal world. But you must first allow yourself to suffer. But you must first stop yourself medicating your suffering and you must feel with your suffering. Why? Because pain is designed to get you moving. There are beings who do not feel pain in their nervous system and they go blind because they poke things in their eyes all the time. They get infections because they stand on sharp objects and cannot feel them. They burn themselves. They have a very difficult time of it because pain means move away from something, make a different choice. If your pain is emotional pain or mental pain, mental suffering and you are medicating it, you will not move away from that which is causing it. And when you actually give up your medications of alcohol or movies or whatever it is that you're using to soothe yourself, you will realize that all of the suffering is actually taking place in your mind. It is your thoughts about your job. It is your internal discussions about the relative that you despise. It is inside of you. Your jealousy is inside of you, your anger is inside of you. All of these things are inside of you.

So, it is there that we take you. It is there that we ask you to go. And so, this evening, as you wind down before bed, we would like you to turn off any devices for an hour before bed. We would like you to have a warm shower or a warm bath or a cool shower or cool bath depending on the temperature that you are dealing with. We would like you to put some nice cream on your hands, in your face. Get yourself ready for bed in a soothing and kind way and hop into bed and sit there and feel what you feel about your life right now. Honestly. Drug free, alcohol free, program free, phone free, computer free. We'd like you to sit there in your bed for about half an hour, 45 minutes and just review what your life is actually like and ask yourself: ‘is this OK? Am I happy with this? Am I truly happy with this or are there some things that I need to change?’ And when you have done that review, we would like you to write down a few things in the beautiful Journal that you have bought yourself for this project. Perhaps you have said to yourself: ‘I would like to move closer to the beach’ or ‘I would like to move somewhere that's not so hot’. Perhaps you have said: ‘I would like to find a partner.’ Perhaps you have said: ‘I would like to become single.’ Perhaps you have said: ‘I need to change my job. I don't like what I'm doing.’ Or perhaps you have said: ‘I need to find a job. I have no job.’ It doesn't matter. Perhaps you have said all of those things. But what we want you to do is to actually feel what it feels like to look at something and say: ‘I would like to change this now.’ The irony of all of this is that, when you are accepting of what it is, you truly see it for the first time. When you are in denial of what it is, you won't look at it. When you are in resistance to what is, you are pushing away the lesson in it, you are pushing away the information that this experience has for you. But when you sit in acceptance, then you feel what you're meant to feel, and you come to understand what you're meant to understand.

So tonight, we want you to accept that your life looks the way it does, and we'd like you to accept that there are certain things you'd like to change. But in spite of that we would like you to go to bed with your nightly prayer of allowing us to influence your consciousness so that we may teach you during the sleeping hours. We want you to go to bed happy, saying: ‘I see what I have created, and I see what I have miss created and I am the creator. I am the mis-creator. I will be able to shift and change my consciousness so that I will be able to manifest exactly what I want to manifest.

I am that one that you know is Jesus and I'll see you again tomorrow morning.

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