dinsdag 15 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 25 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; Indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The exponential growth that is happening on your planet at this time is being felt by all of you. For those of you that are more educated you understand that there is a spiritual evolutionary journey happening and that your stresses and difficulties are within you being triggered by the outside world for you to look at, for you to release, for you to come to understand, and for you to decide whether or not you want to keep them in your mind. Others are not so fortunate, others that you may see rioting on the streets. Others that you may see getting depressed, or sad are deep within the illusion and they are going to become disillusioned. Disillusionment means that you still believe in the illusion, but it is not working for you anymore.

So, what we want those of you that are watching this video to come to understand is that you are going to become beacons of light for those around you. Those around you are going to be expressing their darkest shadow self because that is what is being squeezed up out of your society. It is a year of revelation, a year of revealing and everybody is having revealed within them that which is existent there.

So many of you are having revealed your hatred, many of you are having revealed your fear, many of you are having revealed your dependency on things. So, it is very important for those of you that are watching this to come to understand that when you see panic, and fear, and anger arising in other people, they will attack, or they will hide. Flight or fight or freeze. These are the responses of the ego mind. Just as if you have an animal, it will fight if it can, and will run if it can, and if it cannot do neither of those things it will pretend to be dead. And that sometimes works when you are being attacked by another creature. But in this society freezing does not work, fighting doesn't work, and flighting doesn’t work. There is nowhere to run when there is a global conspiracy going on.
Yes, we are going to use that word, we know that it is a taboo word in your society, but all the conspiracy is, is a group of people working together to achieve an end that is deceptive or unbeneficial to others in some way. Conspiracy to commit murder means a few of you get together and decide that you are going to kill someone. A conspiracy of the magnitude that you are experiencing now is still a conspiracy.

The ego's way of deflecting is to always accuse others of what it is doing. So that is something for you to think about. If someone is accusing you of being conspiracy theorists, then most likely they are involved in a conspiracy.

But back to the original subject. You are going to see others decompensating. You are going to see others flailing around.
We do not want you to go into self-righteous judgment, we do not want you to say: ‘oh, they are so unevolved, I am so evolved’. What we want you to do is send them love, send them compassion, send them whatever way is feasible for that person, the highest good wishes. If you are seeing people rioting, on a video for example, you send them love, you do not say they are terrible, they should not be doing that. In their world that is the only expression they have of what they are feeling. Nobody has guided them, nobody has taught them, nobody has given them sound mentorship. In fact, they have been raised in families and homes and entertainment systems of pure violence. We are always surprised that you are so surprised when violence erupts on the streets, because your children play violent video games, you watch murder movies, and cop shows where people are chasing each other down and killing each other and you watch blockbuster movies where the winner has always killed a multiplicity of people.
This is what you are going to see in revealed on the streets of your countries over the next years. You are going to see the truth of people’s beliefs revealed to you, on the good side and the bad side. You will see massive demonstrations fighting for freedom and expressing themselves as seeking sovereignty and the right to be who they want to be, and you are going to see violence.

It is op to all of us, those of us holding this knowledge, those of us holding this higher frequency, to bring that frequency to every interaction as it relates to these subjects.
So if you are at a gathering of friends and somebody is trashing somebody who is sad or unhappy or angry or demonstrating, stand up and say: these people are doing what makes sense to them in their world, giving the opportunities that they have’.
We must have compassion for people because attacking others is no different than them attacking a building or another group of people and there is great ignorance around the subject in your world, this idea that it is okay to hate somebody, like the president for example in the United States. Hate him, hate him, post awful things about him and spreading rumors or propaganda, however you want to look at it, and yet they don't see that that is hateful, they say he is hateful. But if you are doing that you are hateful. It is a mirror. It is a mirror. Everything is going to show you what is in you now. And this is the practice that you all must have, not only having compassion for those that seem to be other than you because you are all connected, so they are not really other, but also having compassion for yourself in your distress over what you might be witnessing over the next months and years. But you will, if you stay calm, get guidance. You will, if you do the protocols that we are suggesting, doing A course in miracles, keeping dream journals, turning off your phones more and more, turning off computers more and more, getting out in nature more and more, you will get guidance. You might get an overwhelming urge to call someone, you might get an overwhelming urge to reconnect with an old friend, you might get an overwhelming urge to move from where you are living. When these urges come, we suggest you to listen to them, because they are going to be many avenues of guidance coming to those that of you that are in a peaceful meditative place.

We want you to know that you are going through a wonderful, wonderful experience. Believe it or not. There has been a dark net cast over your planet and that dark net is being cut away, just as when you rescue one of your beautiful whales from a fishing net. It is distressing, the whale is not doing very well, and somebody comes in to rescue that whale and cut away that net. There is a time of upset, there is a time of panic. Is it going to work? And yet when that whale is swimming free and jumping up in the air in joy, there is great rejoicing in spirit and by the people who have helped that creature. And that is what you are going through now. The dark net is being cut away and it is a time of uncertainty and fear, but do not go down into the depts of disillusionment and fear; but stay up high in the realms of love and light, using A Course in miracles as your guide.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again later.

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