zondag 20 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 30 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

This being is a rebel, this being is a revolutionary. I was a rebel, I was a revolutionary. We have, what you call, simpatico relationship and this is one of the reasons that she was chosen to do this job because she has this fiery and rebellious side.

This kind of work cannot be done when you are fearful. This kind of work cannot be done when you are too worried about what people think about you. Now some of these personality traits troubled this being before she found the perfect position. This is the perfect position for her. Her blatant truth speaking, her independence, her desire to transform the world, have all worked together to bring about this experience that she is having.

What we want you to understand is that you all have the same setup, but for a different purpose. Not all of you are going to do this work. In fact, very few of you will do this kind of work, but you have a perfect combination of traits and desires and interests and qualities that will make you very, very good at something and that is your destiny.

Many beings, when we have personal sessions with individuals, ask: ‘what is my purpose?’ Your purpose is to fully live yourself. Your purpose is to align with that which you love. Your purpose is to be happy and experience everything that you, being you, brings you.

Your blueprint, that pre life set up, that decides what family you are going to be in, for example, decides what kind of body and looks you are going to have. All of these things work together for good. They are designed to take you on a particular trajectory. And yes, you have free will within certain realms of your existence, but if you were born in China, you were born in China. If you were born poor, you were born poor. There are things you can do about those states of being, but they are what you came with. And many of you come with amazing skills and talents and desires and interests, but you have let them go because of your social training programs.

So perhaps you were an avid horse lover when you were a child, but your parents said: ‘we can't afford a horse, you can't have a horse’ and you had to change your lifestyle to such a degree to fit in with the dictates of your school and your parents that it felt as if being around horses was not possible for you. But it is possible for you. Even now in your lifetime. There are people up the road who have horses, there are riding schools that could use your help, there are all kinds of opportunities for you to live out that dream, even if it is later in your life.

For those of you that are in the middle part of your life, we want you to know your life is to be lived fully right until the end. This dear being did not start this career until she was in her 50s. And look at her now. She is on fire and is loving life and is loving her work and is loving what it gives her in experience. And yet, when she went back to school in her early 50s, she was the oldest person in the school. She was older than the principle. If she had cared about those things, she would have backed out. If she was fearful, she would have backed out. But she did not, and she learned the whole new set of skills that she needed to do this job. She was guided to that place. She was led to that place, but she had to follow her heart. She had to follow that when she was interested in. She had to read the signs when doors were closed – no, this is not working anymore. You need to upgrade your skills, you need to try something new, and this all came through intuition and inner guidance, not through the opinions of others, not from her schoolteachers of the past or her parents. None of it came from that, but it came from this feeling within that she needed to do something knew, something bigger, something that would take her into the second half of her life with wings and, boy, did it take her with wings.

Many of you in your 40s or 50s or 60s will think ‘it's too late for me’. This being is a demonstration that it is not too late for you. Begin to choose the subject that you love. Start to reeducate yourself. Get rid of that which is no longer serving you. Turn towards the light. Turn towards those things that you love, those activities that you love.

When you go for a walk, when you feel like going for a walk, then you are saying to the universe ‘bring me that which makes me happy’ because you are responding to the desire to go for a walk and it is making you happy. You are sending messages all the time to the universe. If you get a feeling to do something and you say: ‘oh, I can't do it, I've got do the dishes first’, you are saying to the universe ‘don't bring me great exciting ideas, I'm stuck in my mundaneness here, I'm stuck in my duties, in my obligations’. It will cease sending you these great feelings. Well, not totally, spirit continues to send you feelings in the hopes that one day you will listen, but now is the time for you to begin to listen, now is the time. It seems as if everything is closing down. It seems as if this world is becoming a prison. It seems as if the opportunities are gone. But that is only because of the way humans have been conditioned into submission and living like sheep in a prison.

You are seeing the end result of human choices. Yes, they have been manipulated. Yes, they have been corralled inadvertently, but they have gone there with their free will intact and everyone still has their free will intact. Begin to use your free will, begin to choose that which you love, begin to investigate and learn about that which interests you and yes you will be able to do it, yes you will be able to support yourself doing these things eventually. In the meantime, do what you need to do or what you have been doing, but use this time now, it is a powerful time of manifestation. A powerful time of transformation. Do not sit on your hands, on your couch, waiting for the doorbell to ring with opportunity. Get out there, whether it be literally or virtually, get out there, connect with like-minded people, connect with groups that are interested in what you're interested in and put your energies towards that which you love, minute by minute, day by day. You will be creating your new future.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again later.

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