zaterdag 12 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 22 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

There are many, many beliefs that you hold in your mind, there are thousands in fact. When you begin this journey into spiritual awakening, the road can get rocky. But A course in miracles is designed to help you through that process.
Those of you that are trying to fix the world are not going to be able to do it without fixing your minds first, it is that simple.
As long as you believe in attack, as long as you believe in judgement, as long as you believe in separation, as long as you believe in defensiveness, the world is going to continue to look the same and that is why it has always looked a little bit crazy.
There have been different systems of rule, there have been different systems of abuse, different holocausts throughout history, but you will always notice that there is a ruling elite that is in charge of the masses.

Why is the ruling elite capable of controlling so many people? Because the people are not educated in mind control.

Now the word ‘mind control’ will scare some of you. When you think: ‘well I do not want my mind to be controlled, even if it's Jesus’. Well we will tell you, dear ones, your minds are under the control of the propaganda machine that is alive and well in the West. You have been inundated for decades with propaganda. You do not think of your news shows as propaganda, but they are. You do not think of your bank commercials as propaganda, but they are.
And so you must decide who is going to rule your future. Are you going to be a free sovereign being, making decisions based on sound long term benefit or are you going to be constantly like the sheep being shepherded by that sheepdog nipping at its heels, taking it to the corral that it does not know where that corral is leading.
You know where the sheep are going, they're going to the slaughterhouse, they are going somewhere that they know nothing about because they are so concerned about that the sheep dog nipping their heels.

We have said this before, if the sheep had control of their own minds, they could all say to each other: ‘let us scatter in different directions, sheepdog will be powerless’. It is a very, very simple analogy, but a truthful one. If you all had control of your minds, the sheepdog is powerless to get you where it wants you to go.
But you must understand what has happened to you, you must understand the training programs that you have already been through and are complying with inadvertently, unconsciously.

And so we ask you sincerely today, for those of you that have not started A course in miracles, to consider starting the lessons of A course in miracles. We have channeled commentaries to assist in the understanding of the lessons that are free and on YouTube and the books and the information is also free. The books are not free, the digital form of the books is free, we will say, correcting ourselves there, but we would like you to buy the book if possible. It is much better for you not to be on Wi-Fi all the time. We understand that we love you tuning into these messages, but you do not want to be beholden to your phone all the time, you do not want to be beholden to your iPad all the time. We want you to be able to take that book out and sit under a tree in the peace of nature, away from these signals. away from these control mechanisms.
You must understand that it's convenient to have a bell on your phone that reminds you to do your lesson, but it is not beneficent, you must have an internal bell that tells you to think about what you're thinking about. The basic premise of A course in miracles is that you are living in an illusory world, controlled by forces that are not your own true free self.
It was brought into being for these times so that you would have a way out of the maze into which you have inadvertently walk and become loss.
So once again we ask those of you who have not done A course in miracles, who think it's not for you, who think it's to religious, who think it's to this, to that, to get your freedom, your true freedom you must let go of that which is not yours and A course in miracles will help you through, letting go of resentments, letting go of your belief in attack, letting go of your belief in sin and judgment and eventual God.
This is why people do not like religion, it makes them fearful, but A course in miracles gives you the understanding that you are never punished by God, you are loved beyond measure and we love you beyond measure as well.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again later today.

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