zondag 27 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 37 - Ochtendsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The society in which you live is transforming. We have mentioned this before many times, and you are transforming as well. What is going on within you is going to translate out into the world. What has been going on within you has already translated out into the world. Your relationships may become more volatile over the next few months, work situations may be impacted by the lockdowns and the shenanigans that your governments are up to. But you are always powerful creative beings made in the image of God and you always have access to your power. Despite what you think, nobody can take your power away from you. All they can do is utilize the energy that you freely give to them.

So, it is very, very important that, over the next few months, you use your energy without error, without carelessness, without unconsciousness.

The systems that are failing and the systems that are being revealed, there are corrupt systems that are being revealed right now and will continue to be revealed over the next few months, may shock you. Some of you may feel sad, some of you may feel abandoned, some of you may be triggered into rage. What we want you to understand is that that is your ego. The ego is volatile, it is unpredictable, and it wants to attack back, it wants to judge, it wants to separate. We are asking you to take the high road, we are asking you all to practice A Course in Miracles principles, which is the practice of forgiveness. Understanding that forgiveness means you understand that the world is the way it is, because of past beliefs and ideas that are unloving and unbalanced.

When you look at anyone's behavior over the next few months, we would like you to do your best to be compassionate. If you see family members or friends acting out, or being angry, or increasing their drug or alcohol use or becoming unstable, we want you to remember that they are under tremendous pressure, because they have not done the work that you have, and they are still being upgraded and put in a pressure cooker.

So, it's very important for you to not be judgmental about any of the things that you begin to see transpiring on your planet. Everybody is doing the best they can and some of you are very, very fortunate you have found material like this, or something similar, that is assisting you in achieving your ascension.

What your ascension is, is the process of coming to realize that the world is not what it appears to be. It is indeed a stage, and you are all merely players on that stage. You have the ability to write the script for your play, for your particular experience, and it's important that you remember that over the next few months, because you are going to see things and hear things and come to discover things that are going to be quite upsetting and, we will say, disillusioning. But you must remember that disillusionment comes from believing in illusions and them failing. And illusions always fail. And in this place of separation your idols are destined to fall.

So today we would like you to remember that, that whoever and whatever you worship above that which is God, whether it be money, sex, bodies, your partner, whatever it, is those idols are going to fall. And if you can come to a place where you are expectant of that rather than surprised at that, you will not feel disillusioned. You say: ‘ah, there it is, Jesus told me this would happen, he told me that this kind of thing was going to transpire.’

So, prepare your minds and your memories for unexpected disappointments. If they are expected, you would not be so disappointed. Political figures and leaders and organizations that you have become so used to, are going to begin to seem to fray around the edges and eventually they will scatter in the wind like dust and you will seem to be rudderless, but you are not rudderless, you have all got your own guidance system, you have all got communities and friends and families that you love and care for, and you all have ingenious minds and intelligence and intellect and education. Use those things wisely and think before you act. Feel your way through situations, trust in your guidance, trust that you know when something does not feel right. If your governments ask you to do something that does not feel right with you, do your very best not to do it.

Now we understand that, incrementally overtime, governments have become more and more intrusive and they have more and more powers with which to intimidate you, but we want you to understand that over the next few years you are going to see a loss of confidence in your governments and you are going to see an ideological shift that is profound. It will not go to communism, it will not go to radical socialism, it will go into a more independent, free thinking way of governing, self-governing, in that sense. But there is going to be a rocky road before that happens. Many of you will be sad losing your idols, many of you will feel fear.

We want you to understand that A Course in Miracles training is designed to assist you through this time, it is designed to help you manage your minds and it is designed to bring love to those dark shadowy places that you have been scared to go.

So once again, as we come close to the end of these 40 days and nights together, we would like those of you that have not yet done A Course in Miracles, to purchase the book and began on lesson 1 today. It is easy, it is free online, although we do say by the book, it is going to be necessary as electrical systems and Wi-Fi systems and these kinds of things become less reliable you will want to have the book in your hand so that you can go and sit under an apple tree in the spring and read it. Do not be beholden to these electrical systems as your salvation, it is one of the idols that will fall.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I will speak to you again later.

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