woensdag 9 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 19 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one you know as Jesus.

And as you lay yourself down to sleep tonight, we want you to ask yourself a very, very powerful question.

Are you willing to have communication with your guides, teachers in a tangible and easily understood way?

This is something that is going to trigger those of you that have hidden beliefs about communicating in spirit.

We do not want you to even ask the question, if you know that you are too afraid to ask the question.
There is no need to induce fear in humans. You are fearful enough. You are already being shepherded through walls of fear, as if you are a sheep and a sheepdog is nipping at your heels.
You are being pushed into fearful situations, loss of freedom, loss of jobs, loss of ability to travel and loss of ability to speak freely.
Many of you are facing these difficult situations now that are already bringing up enough fear. But for those of you that are curious about communication from spirit, we want you to start entertaining the idea that you are going to ask for it now. Some of you have already been doing this.
Those of you that are experienced, that have gone through some of these barriers, have already been asking for communication, direct communication. But there are many of you in this series that are going to be immune to these ideas. We would like you to feel your way into this question:

Is there a barrier to you asking this question?
Is there an innate fear in you when you think of asking this question?

If there is, what we want you to do is write about it. We want you to sit down in a meditation. You can do it right now if you are in your bed and you're getting ready to sleep and you can imagine saying this prayer:

Please open up communications between me and my spirit guides and teachers.

In the meditation you are doing this.
What will happen is any fears, that you have, come rocketing to the surface because the ego mind does not know the difference between fantasy and reality and so you will hear the fears. It will say that you are going to lose control. It will say that you don't know who's going to communicate with you, it could be dangerous, you could hear the voice of your Catholic school teacher saying you're going to go to hell if you do this, that Jesus forbade these things. All we're asking you to do tonight, if you are new to this idea, is to explore this idea.
We are not suggesting you: ‘do make an invitation’, we are suggesting that you meditate on making an invitation and see what comes up for you.
It's very important for all of you, at this stage, to understand that the beliefs that you hold beneath the surface of your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, have been placed there very specifically to prevent you from doing this kind of work.
As we said this morning, the church did it and now horror movies do it.

If you have watched a lot of horror movies in your youth, you are going to have these images and ideas in your head and they will have been put in there with that hypnotic device, which is the movie. It is a training program. So, we want you to understand what's in you.
And the way to find out what is in you, as it relates to these beliefs, is to pretend that you're going to communicate with Spirit, and they will come rushing to the surface.
Write them down and begin to question them over the next few days. Begin to question them and begin to ask yourself:

what other beliefs have you been indoctrinated in around spiritual, spiritual communications, spirituality, God, Jesus, all of those wonderful subjects.

It is a deep pool of untruth that many of you have been swimming in and for those of you that have not, we would recommend at this point reading ‘Jesus, my autobiography.’ In that book many of these subjects are covered and they go into the true story of my experience here on earth, revealing to you my real nature, revealing to you my real personality. Not what was done with my story. What was done with my story was untrue. What is revealed in this book is the truth. And for many it has brought a sense of relief, knowing that the experience I have on earth was a wonderful one, even though it ended in a tragic way according to those who tell the untrue story, it was not a traffic end, it was my choice. It was what I needed to do to teach my students at that time and it was what I needed to do to move on in my life at that time.
But it is a complicated story and we would prefer that you read the full unedited version of that story this dear being was brave enough to bring full that communication several years ago.
We are not suggesting that all of you will be doing this work, but we want you to lose your fear of spirit. We want you to even lose your fear of your intuition, we want you to lose your fear of these internal guidance systems that are your salvation. They will take you to where you need to be.

I am that one that you know as Jesus and I'll speak to you again tomorrow

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