vrijdag 18 december 2020

Channeling Jezus - # Dag 28 - Avondsessie - van 40 dagen met Jezus


You are blessed beings; indeed, I am that one that you know as Jesus.

The evening time, as we have said, is a sacred time and this evening we want you to go inside and feel your body.

We want you to do a scan of your body. We would like you to go to the tips of your toes and wiggle your toes. We would like you to go into the balls of your feet and wiggle the balls of your feet, and go into your ankles, feel your ankles, go into your calf muscles, and stop and just focus on your calf muscles and feel that life force energy there.
We would like you to go to your knees, focus on your knees and feel that vital life energy there. Go up to your thighs, and your hips. Doing this throughout your body, continue up into your pelvis, into your belly, into your heart and lungs and shoulders, down your arms to your elbows and your wrists and your hands and your fingertips. Feel that warmth and tingling sensation in your hands as you focus on them.
Then go up your throat, neck to the jaw, to your tongue, to your cheeks, your eyelids, your ears and to the top of your head.

What you are feeling in all of those areas, is vital life force. And that vital life force is coming from spirit, it is not coming from the body. It is infusing the body with energy. The energy for your body comes from your spirit. You do not come from your body; your body comes from you. This is a very important distinction to be made at this stage of your teaching and learning, because most of you think your body is controlling you. Your tummy ache is controlling you. Your lack of health is controlling you. But you are controlling and manufacturing your body all the time. Every single cell, every single blood corpuscle, every single hair, is being brought into being by your spirit. And it is important for you to understand this because your health and your vitality is coming from you. And your lack of health and your lack of vitality is coming from you, the you that you think you are.

When you think you are a victim, when you think you are weak, when you think you are alone, when you think you are in danger, your body is under tremendous stress and it is not thriving in it and it is not healthy because you are sending a message of fear to your body. And when you send a message of fear to your body it is preparing for attack; it is preparing to fight for its life because you are telling it that you are being victimized and that you are powerless. And so, the body reacts to those beliefs, thoughts and ideas as if they are true because you are the controller, you are the control center of your body.

If you begin to see yourself as strong. If you begin to see yourself as powerful. If you begin to see yourself as not under threat, then your body begins to thrive because it says: ‘everything is fine here, we do not need to run and hide, we do not need to stress out about anything. We can flourish, we can heal those things that need to be healed. We have all the energy we need.’ And when you begin to actively connect to source energy - that means envisioning energy coming down from the center of the universe through the top of your head, down into your body, when you envision energy coming up from Gaia, from the center of the earth up through the bottom of your feet up into your legs up into your torso mixing with that beautiful light energy coming from the central son of the Galaxy - when you begin to actively envision vital life force coursing through every cell in your body, then you begin to go up to another level yet where you are embodying God source energy.

But all of this can only be done when your mind is under your control, not under the control of the mass media systems. You must take your minds control back and you must begin to envision this vital life force coursing through you.

Life is very, very powerful. The survival instinct is very, very powerful. But when the ego is in charge and when the ego is frightened, your body suffers tremendously.

So, in this evening time, we want you to lay in bed, before you go to sleep, and we would like you to envision exactly what we said. To envision white light coming down from the center of your Galaxy. Coming down through the top of your head, swirling around inside your skull, coming down your spine, down into your chest cavity, in your belly, down through the tailbone, down through the legs, down through the feet and down into the center of the earth. And conversely, envisioning red and green energy coming up from the center of the earth, coming up through the bottom of your feet, going through the legs, through the knees up through the pelvis into the belly cavity, up through the chest, into the heart and lungs, up into the throat and into the brain, up through the top of the head.

So, you have grounded earth energy coming up from Gaia and you have illuminated healing love energy coming down from source and you are the perfect recipient of both in between. Equally in between these magnificent creators. You are on the receiving end of these energies and you are powerful, you are powerful. The energy that is produced in the thriving human body is powerful indeed. It is what produces the wealth on your planet, the people laboring, the people growing food, the people creating music and art and all kinds of wonderful activities. This vital life force is yours; it belongs to you. But if you give it away, if you let others take it, they will use it. This is what is happening on your planet right now. You need to become the custodian of your own body's energy and you need to understand where you are leaking energy into the system that is using your energy.
Begin by doing this exercise that we have just described. And several times a day from now on, we would like you to stop for just a moment, envision that white light coming down from the universe, envision that red and green light coming up from Gaia. It will take only a minute. And feel that energy coursing through you, own it, use it for what you want. Understand that if you do not become a container for this energy with no leaks - and by leaks we mean beliefs that cause you to believe that you are frail and fragile and weak and fearful - then that energy will be sucked out of you by the system that is at play on this planet, at this time. It is very important for you to understand that this is what they want from you. They want your vital life force. You are a giant battery in that sense. But you can become a perfect container for your own energy by doing the work that we are sharing with you here and by doing A course in miracles to get your mind focused and controlled, so that you are the master of your ship and nobody else is.

It seems like a daunting task if you are flailing a little bit right now, but it is your natural inheritance. Your natural inheritance if you were raised in a healthy society that was not manipulated and controlled by propaganda, you would be taught to manage these energies from the time you were a small child. So, we want you to start managing these energies now.

I am the one that you know Jesus and I'll speak to you again tomorrow.

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