donderdag 3 juni 2021

Les 154 - Ik ben een van de dienaren van God. Met commentaar via Tina Spalding

Geen vertaling deze keer, maar de tekst wel uitgetypt in het Engels met dank aan Ian Hendrik die dit elke dag geplaatst heeft onder de opname van Tina.   

You are blessed beings indeed!  I am that one that you know as Jesus, and this, of course, puts fear into the heart of the ego.  It does not really want to be a minister of God.  It does not want to proselytize, and that is not really what this lesson is about.  This lesson is about YOU employing in your thought, word, and deed the principles and energies of these lessons so that you are acting in accord with these lessons. 

In your demonstration of your understanding of what love is and what giving is and what extension is and what projection is and all of these things that you are learning as you are studying this material, in your demonstration of that, you ARE a minister of God.  People witness you.  They may come up to you and say, "What is it that you're doing?  You are not the same person you were before!"  And that is a perfect opportunity to share with them what you are doing.  You do not need to stand on a soapbox; you will be guided.  And if you are not being guided to do something as outlandish as this being is doing, do not fret!  Do not worry about it, but listen to your inner guidance.  Listen to that still small voice within that says, "Take that class!  Go on that trip!  Phone that friend!" 

That is how this being was trained.  She was trained into listening to that guidance, and over many years she became very, very good at listening to that, and that was when we decided that she was capable and willing and able to do this work.  And it has been a great growth experience for her as you can imagine.  But her many years of doing the Course in Miracles practices of forgiveness, asking for her own perception to be healed instead of asking for everyone else to be changed set her up for doing this work. 

This is her specific assignment, and you all have a specific assignment.  It may be in teaching children.  It may be in becoming a healer of some kind.  It may be in writing a book or painting a painting or growing a garden.  Listen to your guidance.  If you are happy doing something then that is your purpose.  And you may say, "Well, how is it so great that I'm gardening and I love gardening and that's my purpose?"  Well, everyone needs beautiful flowers and everyone needs fresh and luscious food and the gardeners out there are going to become in greater and greater demand as your food systems become more and more obviously poisonous.  You can see it happening already.  So those beings that have been gardening for years wondering what their purpose is - their purpose is to bring into being beautiful, fresh and healthy food that is uncontaminated.  And that is where we ask you to go when you buy food.  Buy it as cleanly as possible within your means at this time.  You always have the ability even to change one item of food. 

Some of you will say, "Jesus shouldn't talk about food; it's not pure non-dualism!"  But we say to you in your society with the degree of pollution that you are dealing with, it is now an important subject that must be addressed.  The toxins in your society are causing problems in your bodies that are untenable, and we ask all of you to choose as healthy a diet as possible. 

When you are on this ascension journey, frequency matches are the way it goes.  So you have an increasing frequency on this planet because of the increasing frequency in your solar system and the increasing frequency in this part of the galaxy.  And we want you to understand that the higher your frequency match[es] to that, the less stress you will be under.  So when you go outside walking in the sunlight or the dappled sunshine or the moonlight or the starlight and you are out in the air and the fresh breezes of your natural environment, you are being upgraded.  Know that this is true! 

And so when you start to feel a bit woozy from being on your computer too long or a bit pummeled by being in front of your television too long, turn it off, put your shoes or your sandals on and get outside and get an upgrade and know that that is indeed what's happening! 

I am that one that you know as Jesus, and I will see you again tomorrow.

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